Happy Ramadan to all.Ramadan is almost end.Today is going to 22nd of Ramadan.When this month of Ramadan came, we were greeted with joy and love.This Ramadan is almost away from us.The month of Ramadan is a month of mercy for us. In this month, Allah forgives all our sins if we ask Him for forgiveness.So Allaah says this month is the month of forgiveness of sins. But Allaah will forgive sins if we pray to Him.May Allah bless us this month and give us all a chance to be free from sin.
That month of Ramadan is leaving us. Have we yet been forgiven of our sins?We are the most miserable burnt foreheads we have not yet been able to forgive our sins.I don't know how terrible punishment Allah has prepared for us in the hereafter. We pray to Allah that Allah will not take us in the whole world.
Last night's event:
Yesterday was a very memorable day. By the grace of Allah, I was able to attend that memorable moment yesterday. At first I thought that there may be no charge on the mobile or maybe not.Later I tried a lot and by the grace of Allah I was able to.I got to know a lot of new people and learned a lot about new things.But I was most surprised to see yesterday's guest. Yesterday's guest was @azircon. Yesterday's meeting was much better for him.The thing that surprised you the most was that he can speak our mother tongue Bengali.At first I could not believe it when I heard Bangla in his mouth.He can speak much better Bengali than us. I still can't tell you the details of how you learned it but I will find out later inshallah.
The meeting lasted until about one o'clock yesterday night.Many dignitaries were present at this meeting.This meeting was very necessary for Bangladeshi users. There are many new Bangladeshi users who don't know much about this.It will also play a very effective role in creating a sincerity among ourselves.The founder of this meeting is @zaku @reazuliqbal bhai. In fact, this meeting would not have been possible without them.And I thank them so much for organizing such a big event but most of all I like the presence of @azricon. For giving such a big gift, I have a lot of love for Riazul Bhai and Zakaria Bhai.
Anyway let's come to the main point:
The main point of today's post is that maintaining friendship is not an easy task. It is very easy to make friends but it is very difficult to maintain that friendship.There must be respect, devotion and love towards friendship. And the greatest is the faith of friend towards friend and there must be more sincerity between the two.
Many times friendships break up.Friendships are made if you don't know the real friend.Because the only real friend is not the loss or enemy of another friend. Many times the enemy becomes a friend, that friend does not last long.True friendship is a very big thing. In fact, true friendship or friendship is created at every level. And the biggest thing is that it is very easy to make friends, it is very difficult to maintain that friendship.

How is friendship created?
Friendships are usually formed by keeping the two of them well in nature.Some of the reasons for making friends are the matching of some habits between the two.The two want to feel good together. The choice of the two is the same. Friendships can be made for a variety of reasons Friendships are often made out of self-interest.Friendships are formed when one needs the other.
But there are some levels of friendship.
First in school life:
Friendship in school life is usually without interest. Here the two become friends from the love. But many times in the friendship is lost for various reasons. School friendships are never to be forgotten.
College Friendship:
Friendships in college life are very limited. Time is usually friendship to spend time among themselves. There are good friendships here but very few.
In office life:
Usually have not found office life yet. Because now I am a student due to which I have very little experience in this. However, it can be said that friendship in the office is usually for the benefit of both.
বন্ধুত্ব সৃষ্টি হয় কিভাবে?
সাধারণত বন্ধুত্ব প্রকৃতি ভাবে দুজনের ভালো রাখার মধ্য দিয়ে তৈরি হয়ে যায়। বন্ধুত্ব তৈরি হওয়ার কিছু কারণ হলো দুজনের মধ্যে কিছু অভ্যাস মিলে যাওয়া। দুজনের ভালো লাগা মিলে চাওয়া ।দুজনের পছন্দই এক। বিভিন্ন কারণে বন্ধুত্ব তৈরি হতে পারে অনেক সময় স্বার্থের কারণে বন্ধুত্ব তৈরি হয়। একজন আরেকজনের প্রয়োজনে বন্ধুত্ব তৈরি হয়ে যায়।
তবে বন্ধুত্ব তৈরীর কিছু স্তর রয়েছে।
প্রথমত স্কুল জীবনে:
স্কুল জীবনের এটি সাধারণত স্বার্থ ছাড়া হয়ে থাকে। এখানে দুজনের ভালোলাগা থেকেই বন্ধুত্ব হয়।তবে বন্ধুত্বের মধ্যে অনেক সময় বিভিন্ন কারণে নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। স্কুলের বন্ধুত্ব কখনো ভুলে যাবার নয়।
কলেজে জীবনে:
কলেজ লাইফের বন্ধুত্ব খুবই সীমিত সময়ের হয়ে থাকে। সময় সাধারণত বন্ধুত্ব হয় নিজেদের মধ্যে সময় কাটানোর জন্য। এখানে ভালো বন্ধুত্ব হয় তবে খুব কম ।
অফিস লাইফে:
সাধারণত এখনো অফিস জীবন পাইনি। কারণ এখন আমি ছাত্র যার কারণে এর প্রতি অভিজ্ঞতা খুবই কম।তবে অনুমান করে বলা যায় অফিসে বন্ধুত্ব সাধারণত দুজনের স্বার্থের জন্য হয়ে থাকে।

Thank you so much for reading my post with your precious time.If you really love my post, please let me know in the comments.I will always try to write something good but I make mistakes though because people are just wrong.Even then, it is better to come back after realizing the mistakes. And you should promise never to make that mistake again.Anyway I am Akash.I am a student.I am from Bangladesh.My hive account name @akash66
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I won't say I make friends here in this Blockchain but I have meet with some amazing people. It feels good to be connected with people and it's essential also to survive and enjoy here.
And about fried outside Blockchain. I think the more old you become the less friend you will have but the best.
Keep up your writing!