Kishuku Gakkou No Juliet Review/Summary - 3/3

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

The last part of the review is finally here. It took a long while to get it but it’s done.

It’s a shame that this anime has no… well almost no hope of having a second season. I didn’t lose hope in though😅. I stumbled upon this anime when I was in high school so watching this I can remember how I used to be during that time. You could say that this is close to my heart. If you read below you can clearly see that the author rushed to finish the anime. It is also true that such productions are not cheap yet this could’ve made a great anime. As Geoffrey Chaucer once wrote in his poem Troilus and Criseyde, ”All good things must come to an end”. Well, the writer wrote in Latin in his poem but the idea initiated is this.

Also, do read the first 2 part of this summary/review of Kishuku Gakkou No Juliet as this contains spoilers for first time readers!

The First Part

The Middle/Second Part


Month Of July arrived. Persia’s birthday drew closer and Chartreux was excited. 1st July was the day, t’was a week away from her birthday. Persia comes back from her bath and makes a request from Char.

Back at Black Doggy dorm, Inuzuka started to plan about a gift for her.

(Animation for fun in the anime, he didn’t actually stab hire)

Kochou suddenly jumped on his back and asked about his subject of interest. She also pointed that her sister, Teria, had been under his bed since last night. Teria was shy of people she liked. A classic stalker, Romio exclaimed. An errand came up for Kochou, she delegated it to Romio who also needed a way to get out of campus and look for a present. Perfect timing. Romio found the perfect present, a white Persian cat doll. Incidentally, Char also reached for the doll with him at the same moment. They both tugged at the doll and ripped it. Char was more upset than usual. Both of them fondly expressed their hate from one another. A nearby police officer arrived at the scene and stops the quarrelling duo. He recognised Princess Char and asks her to head for school immediately as delinquents from Touwa lurked in the vicinity. Char grabbed Inuzuka and changed his get up Turing him into a guy that looked like a Western and made him her body guard. Later, Inuzuka expressed his unwillingness for the act and was about to leave her. Char, finding no other way, declared that she knew what Persia truly wanted. Inuzuka shot back at it and said how it would mean more if he would handpick a gift for her. Char explained the situation. The level of hope for Inuzuka’s gift is high as he was her first love.

Their first stop is the woman’s undergarment shop. Here, they “discuss” the best garment for Persia. The day passed by and they couldn’t find anything decent. He started to doubt if she actually knew what Persia wanted. Char teased him back for not know what she likes as he was her boyfriend.

Rain started to pour all of a sudden. The two tiny prefect back at campus pondered about Romio’s motif at Dahlia street. They found that he had a White Cat rosary. Airu, the representative of Black House loomed outside the room.


Suddenly, it started to pour and Romio and Char were drenched. They went under a shade. She noticed that he was embarrassed to see her wet see through clothes. She promptly asked him to leave Persia and instead he would do all sorts of things in return. He refused instantly. She was angry that he had refused to easily and kicked him. Before leaving, she admitted that she would’ve told everything to Persia about his ulterior motif.

Char had a flashback of herself and Persia. How Persia was the first friend to be upset with her. Inuzuka is the second. She entered a tunnel and 2 radicle from Touwa got to her. She face kicks the one that held her. Inuzuka arrived and got the other. He was her escort for the day. Char asked his reason for helping. He didn’t want Persia to be upset if anything were to happen to her on his watch.

The story was reaching it’s end. Char had to manage for Persia to let stay out during curfew hours and aphid to let Inuzuka know of the plan. Char handed a bag of under garment to Inuzuka and asked him to get something on him own. Romio reached the dorm and an arrow made it’s way beside it. The message said to be on the library, Persia. There Persia formally invites to her birthday. Every year Persia’s birthday was crashed by Romio but this time he wanted to do it right. Persia told her desired present, a pair accessory. Inuzuka was happy for being invited and saw Hasuki outside his room. Inside was his elder brother along with the two prefect sisters.

Romio almost never talked about his brother. He was a wall for him, a person who had given him childhood trauma and emotional damage. Airu found the rosary and the pair accessory. Hasuki covered for the rosary but bailed when the bra came up. Airu explains that the peace treaty between the two country was momentary and could diminish at any given moment. If he were or collide with an enemy, things couldn’t end well for them. Family name and the stamp of being a traitor would be beside their names forever. Airu ordered Romio to be under his supervision for a week. This was close to Persia’s birthday.

The next day, Persia baked cookies. This time though it was not burned and was tasty too. The kitchen maid, Charteux and Scott approved. Kochou, the tiny prefect girl, asked his interaction history of Romio with Airu overtime. Romio started his sad story of hid brother straightening him over the years by beating him until he cried. The next 3 days, 26-29 June, he was monitored by Airu teaching him how to solve maths, minutes to spend in toilet, eating style etcetera. June 30th Airu teaches Romio kendo. Hasuki felt conflicted. She found solace at the fact that Romio won’t be kicked out yet he is situation was unbearable. Romio was beaten to and through in Kendo.

The next day, Persia’s birthday. To Hasuki’s looked like Inuzuka stayed in line with Airu. Romio, however, was putting on a show as his main object price was to get his brother’s guard down. Hasuki approached the battered Romio where he promised to attend Persia’s birthday. That very night, he planned to meet with Persia by the fountain. His thought, his brother would be asleep and the patrol would come by after an hour. To his surprise or rather faked his surprise about being busted when his brother caught him by the gate. He already knew that Airu would catch up to him. Airu also explained that he knew Romio was being too complacent and that his eyes showed his true intentions. Romio refused to go back and the two went for a fist fight. Inuzuka was beat and was thrown in a shed. A little later, the shed was opened. Outside stood the tiny prefects. Romio knew that Airu knew about Romio being agreeable during the overseeing hours. So Romio outsmarted Airu’s outsmarting, a thing common is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures. He planned with the prefect to let him out after his brother would throw him and go away.

Once freed, he bid them adieu and darted toward the jungle. His body had gave up and had fallen down. He landed in Persia’s lap. Persia asked Romio to stop as his brother suspected their relation. Hasuki had informed Persia everything, about the threat of expulsion, about the rough course he had chosen all because she wanted him over on her birthday. She apologises and asked to take better care of himself and didn’t need any present. He comforted her and she hugged him tight and apologised again.

Morning arrived. Scott made plan with the guy on how to carry out the function of Persia. A marching band and a statue. The people were worried about the interference from the Black Doggy faction. Scott tried to calm the clamour and just then Inuzuka face kicks him. He never fails to let go of this opportunity. Scott went crashing down the hall and knocked with the door in the end. Romio searched for Persia, Persia spots him and said that she forgot something and went to fetch it leaving Char behind.

A classic move of couples both in real life and anime it seems.


Romio cornered her in a highly conventional way.

She refused to talk to him as they could be caught by any passerby. He asked her if she was okey if they couldn’t meet each other. She wasn’t yet she decided to walk away. Romio fell to the floor as if dead.


Hasuki and friend of hers found the decomposed body and took him to the infirmary.

Romio became hopeless. Hasuki wanted to cheer him up and takes him to the game room which was luckily empty. She tried to teach him how to play billiards. She showed how to hit the white ball but when his turn came he hit her chest. Next, they went to the stable for hugging sheep. Unsurprisingly, the sheep were fleeing from him. She asked him to use feed. The sheep saw in on her and they all hanged up and started to lick her all over. Later, they went to the top of the tower. Hasuki slipped as she leaned too much, Inuzuka saved her. Hasuki looked radiantly beautiful and reminded him of Persia being all cutesy.

Back to Persia. Persia looked distressed. Char found her and asked the matter. Persia tried to hide what she and him underwent. The thorn filled path that he was dragged Inuzuka to wrought extreme displeasure to her. She also wanted to be with him. Romio was in the campus with Hasuki, she had failed to completely cheer him up. He punched himself and said sorry to her. The cookies she offered to Char were delivered to Inuzuka. He ate them and removed the bandages off his face. The birthday bash was about to begin. Persia beforehand went to the prefect of the West for advise.


A band of Black doggy with pies had arrived in the the West’s dorm. His plan: take Persia to a discreet place and celebrate her birthday. Scott arrived with his merry band of pie carriers. Hasuki delivered the first pie to Scott and the others joined in. Inuzuka went upstairs and thought he could ask Char but her facial expression made him go look by himself.

Somali and Abby made a comeback. Somali held him and Aby gave a talk no jutsu. A pure Naruto move where he expressed his difficulty in life. He also said that he would reclaim all that he lost and Romio would be the scapegoat for it. It was true that his life became harsh after the sports competition, he had to live outside the dorm in a small hut made with cardboards. His popularity was gone and he looked like a homeless person. Overgrown beard and hair. Romio used his quick wits told Somali that Aby was getting jealous of him as she was tightly hugging him and not Aby. She let go of him and held Aby. A pie dropped from Romio’s hand when she gripped at him.

He went on ahead but was blocked by white cats(the western people) from both sides. A guy called Cait Sith helped Romio into the air vent when the crowd charged at him. The people below dispersed in search. He also told Romio Persia’s location. However, that were found by another prefect, Sieber and members of White cat.
Meanwhile, Persia was locked in a room thanks to her time with the prefects. She quickly found a way out, through the window though it had a long drop.

Cait and Romio engaged in a fight, Romio refused to be detained and Cait kicked and punched sending him backward. Romio had an idea, the window behind him. He immobilised the prefect and charged at the window. He leapt and outside was Persia, by the verandah, waiting. He had heard her faint call. The people behind couldn’t find his trace. Airu was informed about the matter by Kochou about the ruckus at White cats dorm. He pieces together the information he found at Romio’s room.

Romio asked Persia how she got out. She took a huge risk and climbed outside her window and over to the balcony. He wished her happy birthday. Persia asked him if he did all things: instigated others to barge into the dorm, got himself hurt just to wish her happy birthday. If overcompensation had a face…

Romio nodded and said that the wound may heal in time but the emotional scars wouldn’t. She breaks into the tears and said that she was lying when she said that she didn’t want to see him and hugs him. Then they both cry. Sappy yet comforting to watch. They remained by each other’s side.

Back at the dorm ground floor, Airu got the other in a classic repenting position and directs Hasuki to look over others while he would look for Persia.

Eigo and Kento tried to sneak away but out by the door stood a prefect named Rex. He was build like Arnold Schwarznegger but the guy had a skirt. His thought: he wanted to understand how a female feels and so he puts it while also maintaining his manliness, truly a repelling outlook I say.

Rex punched the two and they hid behind Hasuki. Rex went toward them and a pie hit his back. Both the guys, Eigo and Kento, were astonished to find Maru. Rex and others mistakenly found Maru to be a tsundere and Rex bowed to his cuteness.


On the second floor, Romio and Persia faced each other with a pie where everyone saw them. Both make a hit on one another’s head. Romio announces the party to be ceprashed and for other to make a retreat. They moved out in hordes, quickly. Airu, however, was at the entrance/exit of the dorm and halted them. He approached Romio and Romio found no other way made some desperate arguments about rules not saying that they cannot enter the other’s dorm. Airu directly asked him if he the person he was seeing was Persia.

Airu’s reasoning: if Romio’s supervision was coming to an end why throw it all away but going past curfew. Conclusion: he wanted to celebrate Persia’s birthday, with her. By failing that, he besieged the place on the day of celebration. Pretty sharp for a guy with no love history so far in the anime.

Juliet denied the appalling claim: her colluding with Romio which was an insult for her. Airu presented the first evidence: a rosary. The western custom for lovers was exchanging rosaries. Second: a mark on the calendar on her birthday date. Persia called it circumstantial. She demanded more concrete proof. Airu presented a piece of bra, from the Western culture confiscated from Romio’s room. He asked Kochou to confirm the size later on. The public below was is disbelief and cursed Inuzuka. Persia said it wasn’t hers. Inuzuka said that he didn’t know whose it was.
Scott was crying,
Char remembered that she had given it to him.

Cait approached the situation. He asked Persia for an explanation. Both the couples were taken away by their house prefects. People’s doubts were surfacing.

Persia threw a sword at Romio. She said out loud that she felt utter humiliation. The realness of the sword was confirmed by him. She unsheathed it and said her pride was as value-able as her life. She asked for a duel on behalf of the House Persia.

They started the duel. Airu judged it as a fake battle shown for the audience and planned to seize it once it was over. The fight went on and more roughly as it grew. Romeo recalled the moment from before in the balcony and took it seriously.

They both showed where to aim if their aim was true. On went the fight, that made Airu and others believe the thing. They went for a showdown, their swords clang and they hit each other’s chest.


Later on, they were taken to the infirmary where they both were laid in the same room in separate beds. The others discussed how ugly fight went, the swords were hovering over their faces. It would’ve been impossible for them to do if they were truly lovers. Everyone outside left and the two woke up.


Their rosaries took a hit. Persia’s signal was understood by Romio. They beg-pardoned each other for each other’s destroyed rosaries. However, Romio brought matching rings. He promised to become a prefect and would try to change the school first. He put the right in her third finger and asked her to wear it until the time arrives. He asked if she could wait for him to which she promptly agreed.

An end credit scene is presented where both the house’s principals are shown. Airu and Cait reporting the incident. The Black Doggy house principal had a funny way of speaking which Airu copied as he looked up to the guys and had respect. Both Romio and Persia were locked in their dorm room for a week as punishments. Char confessed that she gave the bra to Inuzuka.

They went for another boat ride at night. There, Romio told that his brother still had some doubt about him. Airu accepts Romio’s acts to be a reaction of his actions. He left it at that and asks him to never do it again. Inuzuka asked Airu that he wanted to be a prefect to which Airu didn’t reply. Of course he had to start as an errand boy, under Kochou and Teria.

Persia put a ring in his finger and asked him to work hard. Then some day… she didn’t finish. Inuzuka became eager to know and accidentally went overboard. She pulled him up.


Their rings glistened in the starry moonlit night.
Then someday they could call by their first names as Romio and Juliet.

The end.

Do give it a watch guys. It is a romcom anime and full of fun stuff. It helped me get a good time watching it. Although I also agree that it contained some lovey-dovey part which I was jealous of😅. But in the end, having fun and having a good mind is what matters.


They say "Dress Up Darling" is also very good among the new series, did you have the chance to watch it?

I will add it to my list. Come to think of it, is it that new waifu trend I see in my social media feed? My friend also suggests me to watch rent a girlfriend. Have you seen it?

I don't think so, it is about a a boy who wants to be a tailor and a girl taking him from his corner as far as I know.

I know dude. What I am saying is: the girl in the anime is a popular waifu.


Thanks for dropping by🙂