Analysing a prose.

in BDCommunity β€’ 5 years ago

Tips to analysing a prose and poetry part 1.


Hi guys.
Welcome back to Amzzy's lecture.

It has been a stressful day but I can't imagine missing my lectures πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

So in today's lectures we would discuss and digest the Tips to analysing a prose.

Prose as it is ,is one of the genres of literature. There are basically three elements of literature. They are;

Prose as one of the elements of literature simply refers to a written piece of work that is arranged in paragraphs instead of lines or stanza. Prose is meant to inform, entertain,express thought or persuade a reader.

A prose may be fiction or non fiction, could be written using the 1st person ,2nd person or third person pronoun depending on the style of the writer.

A prose can exist in the form of
Short stories

To analyses a prose,you must have in mind that some proses are not direct ;as they apply the use of figurative sentences. Hence having the knowledge of figurative sentences for figures of speech as the case may be will be the fist step to analysing a prose.

To analyse a poem ,you must consider
The literary technique
The choice of word otherwise knowns as diction.
Structure and lastly
The styles.

Haven known the things to consider why analysing a prose,let's go into details of each.

Literary device/ technique.
This can be described as the method applied in the work of art or in a work of prose.
The literary device used in a prose depends on the writer and how he wishes to pass the information hence a piece of prose can be in form of metaphor,simile imagery etc.

This can defined as a device or a description language used by a writer to appeal to the senses of the reader. This form of device is used to create an image in the mind of the reader.

This can be simply defined as the choice of word of a writer. A writer may choice to be expressive,maybe reserved ,may be narrative or descriptive as the case may be.

This can be termed as the arrangement of events in a piece of art. The arrangement may be in form of forecast,it may be in the past or in the presence depending on the aim of the writer.

It is important that when analysing a work of prose, you should examine closely the style used be the writer for that will be a very big tool to analysing the prose or article.

In examining the writers style,you should not only focus on what the writer is saying but should also pay attention to how it is written.

In my next lectures,we would discuss on how to analyse a poem.
