Fragile heart.

in BDCommunity5 years ago

Fragile heart.


O! man, how adventurous and wicked are thou
You pierce holes and vaccines in the heart of a woman,
Yet we do nothing.
You took advantage of our tender fragile heart ,
You know we bruise so easily so please be gentle when you handle us.
You promised the womanhood paradise when you can't even give out your affection,love and time
You know the joy of every woman
Is to wake in the morning and see her man by her bedside
You know nothing is sweet
Than all that will happen through the night
You know nothing makes her happy
Than taking her to the climax.
The woman offered her time ,
Love and dedication to your,
Yet you have refused to pay your role by paying her back.
How long shall the nature of woman remain the same?
When we fall in love
Our hearts is being broken
When we trust in love,
We are being disappointed
Who will pick up our broken heart?
And make us love again?
With our fragile heart ,
We sort to protect
What would every woman do?
