The art of writting.

in BDCommunity5 years ago

The art of writting.


Writting as a process.
Writing as we know is an act of is a process ; it proceeds from our thoughts which are the product of what we have heard ,read or seen for the senses are the avenues to our thoughts.
This thoughts we put down in writing or express from out interactions with other people.

The quality of every writing is determined by the nature of our thoughts and ideas and how best we are able to structure and expansiate our ideas in a manner that will communicate effectively: by effectively it is something that should be understood without ambiguity.

Since writing is a very important means of communication ,the background is also very important; for it is your background apart from the tittle that can draw people to your material.

Effectively writting is not something that could be done anyhow.
Ideas do not come easily and when the come,there may be complexity of idea hence writing as most people believe is not an easy task,it is painstaking,it requires a lot of practice.

There are basically 3 steps in effective writting.
These are
Pre writing stage
The writing stage
Post writing stage.

To produce an effective writeup that communicate effectively,you need to plan.
By planning,you need to identify your purpose for writing,gather your ideas,make necessary research if needed and then structure your ideas.

There are several steps under pre writing stage.they are as follows.
Subject or purpose determination.

To produce a good essay,you must have the purpose of must know what you want to discuss.
If you fail to come up with a purpose and set into writting,you will end up confusing your audience or readers.

The purpose of writting is so important for that will guide you through the process of writing.
When choosing on what to write,pick something you know very well no matter how cheap the topic might seem to be.

Step 2
Consideration of your Audience.;
After the purpose of your writting has been determined the next thing is to consider your audience.
Ask yourself this questions
Who are my audience?
Who and who will read or listening to it?
What is the level of exposure of my audience?
How much do my audience know about this topic
What is their level of understanding?

With this questions in mind,you would know how to channel you writting either to use simple English,simple terms, whether to be ironically,to be paradoxical or to be plan all these depend on the QUALITY or quantity of your audience.
By quality or quantity I mean their level of understanding.

There are still more steps to pre writting stage.
In order not to bore my readers with lengthy post let's see and continue in my next class.

🤗🤗😁😁What did I just do now?
I applied step 2 in effective writting by considering my readers or audience.

See you🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
