Sakib, thank you for the kind words. I am touched. If I can do a small percentage of what Melchizedek did in the story I will fulfill my goal. But I am glad you got my goal figured out, as it not easy even for me.
If we all spam, we kill this social experiment. It is as simple as that.
So to protect that sometimes I be the devil. You know the greatest trick devil ever pulled is to convince the world that he doesn’t exist. :)
The Usual Suspects remains an iconic movie ;)
Commissioner Gordon says you are the devil we dont deserve, but the devil we need :v -The Brown Knight :)
This is exactly something the old king wouldve said:)
Kings die, as king of salem did too. But his wisdom lived on forever.. Yours will too dada.. If you are Melchizedek, I want us all to be maktub :) and I the alchemist with the philosophers stone :) Touching contents of bronze and turning them into gold.
It will remain for the next 100 years or so. Soze is like batman, only a little too real.