Another Turni, Wonderful! Another late night where a few young individuals have put their priorities upside down to generate magic! I don't think there are any ways these group of individuals can be compensated, so I wouldn't try. However, I like to point out that any effort towards the betterment of the community won't go unnoticed. So I decided to reward the three individuals who spend countless hours on community service for free. They are the editorial board of Turni, and this is not a compensation but just a token of gratitude ...
Zayedsakib = 200 hive
Simplifylife = 150 hive
Linco = 100 hive
Everything triangular, rectangular or haxangonal has a center dada! No mattar how maany angles a geometrical shape might have, there is only one center!! That one center that keeps it all anchored, tidy and neat! To us that is you dada!
Thank you for all the things we got to learn from you! For making all this worth it!! Thank you, for teaching us how to be human!
Thank you, Sakib!
By the way, where is the center of this geometric shape? 😀 It is my duty to mess with your brain! 😀
That is a Mandelbrot Fractal by the way (I am sure you will google it!)
Google didnt help me even one bit!!
Apparently it has infinite space.. So it can be zoomed in infinitely:pp Fractals are uber interesing"!!
Yes, There is no center to Mandelbrot Fractal :)
That was the point. LOL!
Thori der pe samjha per samjha to sahi!!😁😁