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RE: Bdcommunity Presents: The Weekly Turni- Issue 21

in BDCommunity4 years ago

@notacinephile I will tell you something else about the paper books. For someone who love to read 'text books' and reference books; it is infinitely easier to flip through the physical pages to get to the right spot compared to any search function on e-books.

Yes, then there is the smell. I don't enjoy the weight at all though.

But I have bought the first generation kindle when it came out. Since then, I have owned every single generation of kindle. I probably bought a total of 30-40 kindles (most of them for gifts), and I love them. They are practical, travel friendly and I read a lot with them. I have 2 kindle paperwhites, one I used to keep at office and one at home, now they are both at home! I have moved to almost 70-30 ebook-paper now. But for text books, paper rules!

@deepu7 nationlist politicians all around the world are trying to sell citizens fear. It sells well. Effective over the years. Delivers instant result. So why not. Makes our job as reasonable citizens very difficult insn't it?


I concur. And in some cases like art books with lots of photos and artworks, paper is just better as a medium. Yet.

I've never used a kindle though. Always had been a Kobo guy. Kobo readers are a bit more open than kindle eco system. But lately, I've been wanting to own a kindle as well. Cheap book deals is a real thing on Amazon.

 4 years ago  

That’s true Dada. Fear sells well. It is the only investment for many people are the return is quite good. As ordinary people, the only way to overcome our fears is to survive.