07/03/2021২২শে ফাল্গুন ১৪২৭
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎
Some days writing is easy, other days it is not so much. But I am told, any team can have good days, but excellent teams play good on their bad days and win matches! That's the difference between good teams and outstanding teams. Our editorial board is undoubtedly excellent, but this poor editor!! Oh well, you will be the judge of that! Since we are talking about teams, there is a quote from Michael Lewis's Moneyball that I really like:
"there are rich teams and there are poor teams. Then there's fifty feet of crap, and then there's us."
That doesn't sound very uplifting! Or does it? That is Billy Beane talking about Oakland A in a scout meeting, where a table full of scouts were trying to replace 3 major league star baseball players who left Oakland A. I like the quote a lot, and I say it often because there are two types of motivational speeches; one, you pump up your team by saying positive things to them (whether they are true or not). Second, you pump up your team by saying realistic things (they are always true). The first one is prevalent in pre-match prep talk and proven to be effective. However, longer-term, during training sessions and long seasons, if that pump-up talk is just falsehood, it wears off quick.
The reason I like to think similar to Billy Beane; is the fact that he 'understands' the problem. Certain things are facts, and you can't bend the fact. You understand the fact and then play within your limits or make the team within your means. Oakland A proved that at 20% of the budget compared to most Major League Basement teams, they can put together a competitive team and beat the best. It is a wonderful underdog story, and I think it swells in life. Billy Beane's assistant Peter Brand, who had a degree in economics from Yale University, suggested the solution to the problem,
"Your goal shouldn't be to buy players. Your goal should be to buy wins. In order buy wins, you need to buy runs."
Peter detached the star persona from the players and thought of them as just tools. If you want to make a budget team, that is what you got to do.
There are some Hive Marketing that we try to do (on our own), usually becomes an echo-chamber mostly, as we are talking to ourselves. After 4 years (yep, counting the steem days), some of us are still talking about the mass adoption of DPOS social media! Seriously? That is like try and replace your star baseball play who Yankees have outbid you and bought. You can't get him! You don't have the budget. Our goal shouldn't be to become Facebook! That's impossible! A complete waste of time. However, what we can do is perhaps become something like 10% the size of Medium, which has about 60 million users. Something niche. To do that, we don't need ourselves to market during a super bowl ad. We perhaps only need a few Cointelegraph articles.
At BDC, we try to think independently, outside the box. We know Hive has already changed the lives of several community members, and even if we are moderately successful, we will change the lives of many more. Not by giving people money, but by distributing knowledge. We challenge the community members to take the difficult path instead of the easy path of self-interest that many other places propose. We hope to be successful. We hope we can build a competitive team within our budget.
This Weeks Featured-হে আমার বিষণ্ণ সুন্দর
বেদনার রঙ দিয়ে আমি যারে আঁকি
হৃদয়ের রক্ত দিয়ে আমি যারে আঁকি
আমার কষ্ট দিয়ে, আমার স্বপ্ন দিয়ে যে আমার নিভৃত নির্মাণ
সেই তুমি- হে আমার বিষণ্ণ সুন্দর
মর্মমূল ছিঁড়ে এসে ঠাঁই নিলে কেন এই মাংসের বুকে!
কেন ওই বৃক্ষ তলে, কেন ওই নদীর নিকটে এসে বোলে গেলে
তোমার ঠিকানা!
আমি তো প্রার্থনাগুলো শস্যের বীজের মতো দিয়েছি ছড়িয়ে
জল তাকে পুষ্টি দেবে, মাটি তাকে ভূমি দেবে, তুমি তার গভীর ফসল-
বাতাসে তুলোর মতো তুমি তবে উড়ে এলে কেন!
কেন আজ পোড়া তুষের গন্ধে শুধু জন্মের কথা মনে পড়ে!
শৈশব কৈশোর এসে মিশে থাকে ফাল্গুনের তুমুল হাওয়ায়
একটি রাত্রি কেন হয়ে ওঠে এতো দীর্ঘ দীর্ঘ রাত?
হে আমার বিষণ্ণ সুন্দর
দু’চোখে ভাঙন নিয়ে কেন এই রুক্ষ দুঃসময়ে এলে
কেন সমস্ত আরতির শেষে আজ এলে শূন্য দুখানি হাত!
কেন এলে, বিষণ্ণ সুন্দর, তুমি কেন এলে?
দিগম্বরের সাধু
স্ব-ঘোষিত দিগম্বরের সাধু দিগম্বর হইয়া গঞ্জিকায় পরিপূর্ণ কল্কি ফুকিতে ফুকিতে ইছামতি নদীর তীর ধরিয়া হাটিতেছিল। লোকজনের কটুকথা এবং গ্রামের দুষ্টু বালকদের দুষ্টুমির উপলক্ষ না হওয়ার নিমিত্তে সে সাধারণত জনপদ এড়াইয়া চলে, বনেজঙ্গলে ঘুরিয়া বেড়ায়। যখন মনটা বেশ উদাস হয় তখন খুব ভোরে এই নদীতীরে নিরবে কিছুটা ক্ষণ অতিবাহিত করে। অকস্মাত নিচের বাক্যটি শুনিয়া গঞ্জিকার আবেশে মগ্ন হইয়া থাকা ধ্যানের ভঙ্গ হইল।
বজ্জাত ল্যাংটা সাধু
সাধু পিছন ফিরিয়া দেখিল জমিদারবাড়ির এক দাসী ভ্রু কুচকাইয়া তাহার দিকে তামাশার দৃষ্টিতে তাকাইয়া আছে। সাধু তাহার দিকে আগাইয়া গেল। দাসীটি হয়তো জানেনা গঞ্জিকার নেশা বড়ো আজিব জিনিস, মুহূর্তে মানুষের সমস্ত ভাবনার বন্ধ দুয়ার খুলিয়া দেয়। সাধু তাহার কানের কাছে আসিয়া ফিসফিস করিয়া বলিল-
কাল রাত্তিরে যখন আমার মতো বেশ ধারণ করিয়া কর্ম সারিতেছিলি তখন কি আমি তোকে ‘বজ্জাত মেয়ে মানুষ’ বলিয়াছিলাম?
সাধুর মুখে অপ্রত্যাশিত বাক্যটি শুনিয়া দাসীর কানের লতি এমন রূপ লাল হইল যেন কাঁচা লোহা পুড়িয়া ওখানে কেহ সেকা দিয়া দিয়াছে। সাধু তাহার কল্কিতে আরেক দম দিয়া পুলকিত মনে হাটিতে হাটিতে ভাবিতে লাগিল যে অন্ধকারে ঢিল টা সে ভালই ছুড়িয়াছে।
সাধু যখন জমিদার বাড়ির উঠানে আসিয়া পৌঁছাইল তখন তা প্রায় লোকে লোকারণ্য। সমস্ত গ্রামের মানুষ যেন এই উঠানে আসিয়া ভিড় করিয়াছে। তাহাকে পিঠমোড়া করিয়া বাঁধিয়া জোর করিয়া একটা লেংটি পরাইয়া জমিদারবাড়ির দাসীকে অপদস্ত করিবার অপরাধে ধরিয়া আনা হইয়াছে। উপস্থিত সবাই ফিসফিস করিতে লাগিল- জমিদারবাড়ির দাসীকে অপমান; বেটার আজিকে চরম দন্ড হইবে।
জমিদার যেই মুখ খুলিলেন সবার বাক রোধ হইয়া গেল, একটি পাতা পড়ার শব্দ যেন শ্রবণের ইন্দ্রিয়কে জানান দিয়া যাইতেছিল। জমিদারবাবু গম্ভীর স্বরে বলিতে লাগিলেন-
সাধু, তুমি ঘোরতর অপরাধ করিয়াছো; এই ক্ষণে তোমার বিচারকার্য সম্পন্ন করা হইবে এবং যেই দণ্ড দেওয়া হইবে তাহা তুমি মানিয়া লইতে বাধ্য থাকিবে।
আমি কি জানিতে পারি কোন অপরাধে আমাকে দণ্ড দেওয়া হইবে?
জমিদারবাবু ক্রোধে উন্মত্ত হইয়া বলিতে লাগিলেন-
তোমার এত বড় স্পর্ধা? আমাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করিবার মতো দুঃসাহস দেখাইতেছ? তুমি জাননা আজি প্রভাতে তুমি আমারে এক দাসীর সঙ্গে কিরূপ দুরাচারন করিয়াছো?
সাধু ক্ষণিক নিরব থাকিয়া শান্ত স্বরে বলিল-
আমি আত্মপক্ষ সমর্থনের প্রয়াসে সেই দাসীর সঙ্গে কথা কহিতে চাই।
উৎসুক জনতা যারপরনাই উৎকন্ঠিত। কি ঘটিতে যাইতেছে তাহা ভাবিয়া সবাই একটু নড়িয়াচড়িয়া বসিল। ইতিমধ্যে দাসীকে বিচার প্রাঙ্গণে আনিয়া হাজির করা হইয়াছে। সাধু তাহার তীক্ষ্ণ বুদ্ধির দ্বারা দাসীকে অপ্রস্তুত করিতে আবার অন্ধকারে ঢিল ছুঁড়িল এবং নিম্নোক্ত বাক্যবাণে তাহাকে ধরাশায়ী করিয়া ফেলিল।
যেই কারণে শীতের এই প্রভাতে ইছামতির কনকনে শীতল জলে তুমি স্নান করিতে উদ্যত হইয়াছিল তাহা কি আমি বলিব, নাকি তুমি নিজের মুখে স্বীকার করিবে?
আমার কি দোষ? জমিদারবাবুইতো মাঝরাত্তিরে আমার ঘরে আসিয়া
সীতাহার গড়াইয়া দেয়ার কথা বলিয়া কি সব করিল।
অকষ্মাৎ ঝড়ে চারিদিক লন্ডভন্ড হইয়া যাওয়ার পর যেমন একটা শান্ত নিরব পরিবেশ বিরাজ করে, জমিদার বাড়ির উঠানে ঠিক সেই প্রকার নীরবতা। শুধু একে অপরের মুখ চাওয়াচাওয়ি করিতেছে। নীরবতা ভাঙিয়া জমিদারবাবু মিনমিন করিয়া কি একটা যেন বলিতে চাহিতেছিল, তাহাকে থামাইয়া দিয়া জমিদার পত্নী বলিয়া উঠিল-
প্রহরী, সাধুকে মুক্ত করিয়া দাও!
সাধু বন্ধনমুক্ত হইয়া, এক ঝটকায় লজ্জাবরণ খুলিয়া, পশ্চাৎ প্রদেশের পাহাড়তলী দ্বয় জমিদারের নাক বরাবর তাক করিয়া নির্বিকারভাবে হাটিতে লাগিল। ইহা দেখিয়া অন্যান্য দাসী সকল হাতের দশটি অঙ্গুলি একত্রিত করিয়া লজ্জায় নিজেদেরকে লুকানোর প্রচেষ্টায় উদ্যত হইল। এমতাবস্থায় জমিদার পত্নী অন্তরের সমস্ত ঘৃণা ঢালিয়া দিয়া দাসীদের উদ্দেশ্য করিয়া কিন্তু জমিদারের দিকে তাকাইয়া বলিয়া উঠিল-
যদি সত্যিই লুকাইতে হয় তবে এইসব বস্ত্রধারী অথচ বিবস্ত্র নারীলিপ্সুদের হাত হইতে নিজেদেরকে লুকাও। শুধুমাত্র নির্বিষ দিগম্বরের সাধুদের হইতে পলায়ন করিয়া নিজেদের রক্ষা করিতে পারিবে না।
𝕮𝖆𝖍𝖎𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕯𝖚 𝕮𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖆 - 𝕿𝖔𝖕 100
First of all, go here and see how many films you have watched from this list.
I know, I know...no need to frown. There are many lists of films, famously the IMDb top 250 or NYtimes top 100, etc., and I also acknowledge that these lists are superfluous and have no merit. They usually reflect the public sentiment, which was never a reliable gauge of art.
However, this particular list matters. Cahiers Du Cinema is a prolific film magazine. The critics who used to write in there like Godard, Truffaut, Rohmer, Chabrol, Rivette, etc., later initiated the french new wave film movement in the 50s. Andre Bazin, perhaps the most authoritative figure in film theory, was the co-founder of the magazine. Moreover, Bresson and Cocteau were associated with it as well.
So this list published by them isn't weightless like the ones by BBC, NYTimes, or IMDB. Instead, this one should be taken seriously along with the list published by Sight and Sound magazine.
If you have a score of 20 or more, I'd say you have a commendable film habit.
I have been having difficulties with my vision; it has been a long time now since this has been happening. Not that I mind, at a distance, everything looks a bit blurry; it sort of makes me stare at them a little while longer. Imagine trying to figure out what's written on the blackboard that is 25 feet away from you, and all you see is scribbles. If I keep staring at the board, the teachers think that I'm more attentive than the rest, but the reality is slightly unusual, isn't it?
চোখ আমার দুই জোড়া। চার চোখে দুনিয়া দেখা।
I have yet to grow a pair of eyes at the back of my head. Would it be interesting if we all had a couple of eyes in front and a couple in the back? Let's not talk about it right now. The world seems different to those who wear glasses than those who don't. On top of that, some can't see up close, and some can't see further. You can already guess; I have nearsightedness.
While many prefer bokeh photos, we see much of the world as bokeh. Eyesight is almost always out of focus without the other pair of somewhat fashionable eyes. Yikes, didn't sound right; I meant glasses. Although this hazy vision gives me a lot of trouble, sometimes I can't recognize known faces unless they're close enough so that I can see them clearly. I have heard from many sources that nearsightedness often gets cured with age but may not always be.
It's not like the blind men describing an elephant such as a thick snake or fan or a tree trunk. I'll be able to tell an elephant just the way it is; the gigantic size of it is too hard to miss. I may somewhat find it hard to explain how an eagle looks like when it's gliding around the sky, or maybe a friend from a mile away is unrecognizable.
I already know the treatment and medications for it; I'm merely telling you how everything looks around. Usually, the winter fog is a little foggier, the environment seems extra dense in the rain, and the light in the docks is blurry, just like the photographer usually likes to click photos of. But you know, this cloudy sight has created not enough trouble for me as you may think, or perhaps I have gotten used to it. It allows me to rely on other senses, and now you know how everything I see around me.
Not a 6/6 vision, but I have perceived a lot; not a philosopher, but I'll understand you. My vision is slightly impaired, but not all "seeing is believing." Blurry eyesight is never an obstacle, not yet for me. I will not be believing just by seeing or hearing something. Neither will I be someone rejecting facts over blind belief, nor will I be someone inconsiderate enough to understand another person's viewpoint.
𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖀𝖕!
It was almost 10 am and I was sitting on the rocking chair with a cup of tea and watching over my niece. She was walking here and there with her tiny legs. That's what she likes roaming here and there. She comes running to me with her toys and then runs again to another room. Suddenly, she fell on the ground and looked if anyone was there nearby to her; finding no one, she stood up on her own and didn't even make any sound or cried. I asked her what happened, and she didn't pay any attention as she was busy playing again on her own.
Isn't this an important lesson for our life? Damn! She is learning the ways of life on her own. Falling is not about getting failed, it's about the chance of standing again and striking even harder than before. When you fall and exit, that's the end of you. Pullbacks are good for gaining more momentum and work again on a new rhythm. It shouldn't be taken as an unpleasant thing.
We are meant to be learned from our mistakes. Those mistakes try to bring us down. Instead of accepting the loss, we can learn from those mistakes. There is a saying that the person who loses can best know the actual value of the win. So from our mistakes, we can take the best lessons and move towards our victory. Every fall should be taken as another chance to stand up with another possibility.
𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖆 𝖏𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖞 𝖙𝖔 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉 '𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖋'
When I was born, my parents assume that I will grow up to be an engineer, That's exactly what they decided about my sister; she will be a doctor when she grows up. It's not just my parents who plan on having a newborn child. Almost all the parents in our country have such plans with their beloved children. Such calculations are done even before the child is born. Just like that, before we are born, our life gets stuck in a certain circle. In the eyes of parents and society, we are future engineers, doctors. Our life becomes a prisoner in the journey of becoming an engineer.
I saw my dad, who goes to his office in the morning. The office ends at 4 pm. It is challenging to support our family with the salary of that job. That's why my dad tutors the children from 4 pm to 6 pm. Then he returns home at 7 pm and takes some rest. This is his routine of 6 days a week. Friday is a holiday, yet he can't spend that day for himself. He gets busier that day than any other day.
Everyone in this society has to be constantly busy just to do his duty. Not just my dad; everyone is busy dusting off their own joy to keep their family happy.
In this way, while performing duties every day, at one stage, everything seems complicated; we get tired, bored with everything. I feel that if I could leave everything and go somewhere far away, leave this society, daily work, and go to a forest and spend the rest of my life. But most do not dare to break this cycle of life I don't have either.
Last night I watched the movie 'Into the wild' for the second time. While second time watching this movie it's felt like I watching it for the first time. This movie inspires me to watch it again and again. I think this movie is related to our life and it will make you realize who you are.
Into the Wild is a 2007 American biographical adventure drama film written, co-produced, and directed by Sean Penn. It is an adaptation of the 1996 non-fiction book of the same name written by Jon Krakauer and tells Christopher McCandless's story.
To me, it's not just a movie because I've found my own biography here. Honestly, I've found myself here, someone who wants to leave everything and go away, with no sign of civilization around. But it is not possible for parents. At the end of this movie, you will understand that. This movie will explain to you that it is not possible to be happy without family and society. Still, we think that maybe we can be satisfied away from this crowd.
Leaving the family, Chris (the movie's main character) feels like his family for a while. He realizes his parents' love, but his perception cannot bring him back to his family. While I watching, it makes me feel like I wish I would have a life like this. After a while, I again think whether it is possible to live such a life.
Christopher ran away for the rest of his life. Went down to live of his own free will. But in the end, he realized that he needed someone to share his happiness with and that joy would be genuine. You have achieved happiness and peace, but you have no one to share it with, It's matters.
We human beings are accustomed to following social rules, so it's almost impossible to live without socializing with others. Though we can be self-satisfied, it is essential to have someone in life.
Happiness is only real when shared
-Christopher McCandless
Sad to hear about the discontinuation of featured section. Maybe more dialogue with the authors would help create some clarity of purpose.
About the marketing thing. I think it is a good idea for hive to get out there. I think the future lies with the dapp. If we do have a few success it can greatly impact the value of the hive network
We wanted new authors in the mix! To create a sense of competitive participation! But with the amounts of quality authors we have, its nit viable right now! If we manage to accumulate more authors, we will reopen it in a new style perhaps! Thank you for taking the time and reading the magazine:)
Makes sense. I understand your position. When next (if ever) it is re-open I will try to contribute. Cheers!
Your artwork is phenomenal @artistparthoroy. Keep up the excellent work.
Nasty জমিদারবাবু! 😒And @deepu7 Bhai, what an excellent story in "Shadhu Bhasha -সাধু ভাষা." 😍
Thanks brother. Nice to see you back again.
In response to 𝕻𝖎𝖝𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉
I have a friend who wears glasses. He complains about his vision sometimes. It's nothing I can't relate with seems my eyes are pretty good. But I do understand the struggle.
Ah, I liked that featured function! It will be missed.
I think we'll all miss writing for Turni... and hoping we'll be back soon
We will be still writing for Turni. Only featured part will not be there:-)
then I should say doc ad clerk should write as well... they haven't written for turni for weeks now 😠 dada should deliver a kaner goray thabra to each of them via express delivery... although they do a lot here