11/04/2021২৮শে চৈত্র ১৪২৭
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎
Nothing can dim the light which shines from within…. Maya Angelou
Yesterday afternoon I went to the local Art Museum to attend an exhibition. To me all such visits are like reading a book. One of my professors used to tell me (I am so lucky that I have so many good teachers in my life), when you read a book or attend a class or listen to a lecture, you should always measure the difference in your knowledge level (after – before); and if that is BDL (below detectable level); that was a waste of time. He used to say, try, and make those ‘waste of time’ to a minimum 😊
David Hockney English,
born 1937,
Woldgate, 24 november 2005
Oil on canvas
So, my visit to this David Hockney exhibit was extremely rewarding and certainly well above BDL! I was familiar with Dave’s work before, he was well known for making gigantic paintings like his famous work of the Grand Canyon. Something like that you can’t possibly ‘see’ on a computer screen. You must experience it in person. Just like the real Grand Canyon. But that said, I was not familiar with Dave’s works and the scale of his achievements. Now I am. That is well above BDL.
This exhibit is mostly about his landscape work, in relation to Vincent Van Gogh, but that is not something that moved me. I mean, I am already a fan of Vincent’s work from all angles, and I am also loosely familiar with Dave’s work. What intrigued me however, is Dave’s miraculous experimentation with perspective and mediums. In his late years, for someone who is 80+, he is doing most of his work on iPad/iPhone now! He has these 10 ft tall 4 ft wide prints made from painting done on a $3 app called brushes that is available in iPhone! Then he mounts a grid of 9 cameras on a car… and drive them on a country road of Yorkshire and stiches the video of the same street in 4 seasons!
I like the winter one the best (again, very difficult to get the experience on a computer screen)
Here is the 4 season one…
And here is the grid of 18 cameras to produce the ‘illusion’..
Dave says, the illusion works because the different movements of the camera resemble the way we look at a landscape. The human gaze never focuses on a single point in front of us, but wanders, zooms in and our mentally, and changes direction and perspective. So, a single picture or a movie, however grand it might be, can never replicate the experience of being there. The grid of cameras used here tries to approach that experience and makes the point. The scale in which this is reproduced is mesmerizing and I was thinking about Amor a lot while I was visiting the exhibit. He often mentions that he understands art and films but not paintings. To that I say…what is the difference?
That brings me back to the title I used. Knowledge and learning today has no boundaries. I strongly believe that we can be anyone who we want to be. The light is within us Amor.

ধর্মে আছো জিরাফেও আছো ১ ও ২
যদি কোনো পৃথিবীর কিশলয়ে বেসে থাকো ভালো
যদি কোনো আন্তরিক পর্যটনে জানালার আলো
দেখে যেতে চেয়ে থাকো, তাহাদের ঘরের ভিতরে —
আমাকে যাবার আগে বল তা-ও, নেবো সঙ্গে করে ।
ভুলে যেওনাকো তুমি আমাদের উঠানের কাছে
অনন্ত কুয়ার জলে চাঁদ পড়ে আছে ।
আজ সেই ঘরে এলায়ে পড়েছে ছবি
এমন ছিলো না আষাঢ় শেষের বেলা
উদ্যানে ছিল বরষা-পীড়িত ফুল
আজ সেই মাঠে আসে না রাখাল ছেলে
কাঁদে না মোহনবাঁশিতে বটের মূল
এখনো বরষা কোদালে মেঘের ফাঁকে
বিদ্যুত্-রেখা মেলে।
সে কি জানিত না এমনি দু:সময়
লাফ মেরে ধরে মোরগের লাল ঝুঁটি
সে কি জানিত না হদৃয়ের অপচয়
কৃপণের বামমুঠি
সে কি জানিত না যত বড়ো রাজধানী
তত বিখ্যাত নয় এ হদৃয়পুর
সে কি জানিত না আমি তারে যত জানি
আজ সেই ঘরে এলায়ে পড়েছে ছবি
এমন ছিলো না আষাঢ় শেষের বেলা
উদ্যানে ছিল বরষা-পীড়িত ফুল
---শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যায়
লুই বুনুএলের ম্যাচ কাট
লা ফ্যান্তমে দে লা লিবার্তে (দ্য ফ্যান্টম অফ লিবার্টি) (১৯৭৪) সিনেমায় একটা সিকোয়েন্স আছে যেখানে তিনজন পাদ্রি তিনটে ভিন্ন ভিন্ন দরজা দিয়ে বেরোয় আর ভিন্ন দরজা দিয়ে ঢোকে। এই সিকোয়েন্সটা সিগনিফিকেন্স হলো, ঠিক কিছুক্ষণ আগেই আচানক এক কাণ্ড ঘটে গেছে, ওর ড্রামাটিক ভাবের রেশ এখনও রয়ে গেছে। বুনুয়েল দর্শককে ফুসরত দিচ্ছেন পরবর্তী ড্রামার জন্যে তৈরি হতে। এই সিকোয়েন্স বস্তুত ঝড়ের পর শান্ত, নিরুদ্বেগ পরিবেশের মত।
ঝঞ্ঝাটহীন হওয়া উদ্দেশ্য, অথচ এই সিকোয়েন্স কিন্তু একদমই মেন্দা পারা পানসে নয়। দরজা বন্ধ ও খোলার একাধিক ম্যাচ-কাট শট সিনগুলোকে জোড়া লাগিয়ে বেশ টাইট আর ফাস্ট পেইসড সিকোয়েন্স বানায়। যদিও স্ক্রিনে আদৌ তেমন কিছু হচ্ছে না, দর্শকের মনে হবে দ্রুতগতিতে অনেক কিছু হয়ে যাচ্ছে।
পুরো সিনেমাতেই এই ধাচের ধরি মাছ না ছুই পানি এডিটিং আছে, যা কিনা এই সিনেমার আপাত গল্পহীনতাকে ছাপিয়ে যেন সিনেমার ভাষার জয়গান গায়!
সিকোয়েন্সটা দেখা যাবে এখানে —
পহেলা বৈশাখ
Summer - what a joy it is; even the scorching heat that makes you feel like a cooked meal, summer is still very special. Where some are still enjoying the nice warm glow of Spring, here at this part of the world we'll be celebrating the first day of the year aka the very first day of summer. Look at it this way, we're ahead of you, aren't we? Apart from the skin-melting weather, other specialties of this season would be mangos and storms. Yes, people like storms; they get somewhat annoyed when the electricity goes away due to some malfunction, but the oh-so-cool and natural gust of wind are always welcoming. I enjoy the summer evenings; still with the hotter-than-ever attitude but the sun god won't be raging, it's somewhat bearable. You'll talk about the air condition and fan and they create a very comfortable atmosphere; yea, tell that to your sunburns. We don't worry much about it before the new year celebrations; we celebrate our New Year's Day on the very first day we mark when the summer begins.

Pohela Boishakh holds a very special place not just in our hearts but in our life; we celebrate the day with much grandeur. If you look up Pohela Boishakh, you'll find a surprising amount of pictures of how the day is usually spent; the glorious 14th of April. The colorful processions, the accessories, the celebratory mood will definitely lift your soul; but that's not what's happening this year. This year, like last year, things are quite different; with the rising death and infected toll, we're already going through another lockdown. I know it makes you anxious and so am I, but let's forget that for a while. 14th of April, the start of the calendar.
My mother was sharing one of her childhood memories, she was probably 7 or 8 years old and my grandfather took her and her father to a fair, yes, Boishakh fairs are popular even now. They bought all sorts of fruits and toys; my uncle had bought a wooden whistle and he was merrily playing it. While being the happy-go-lucky kid playing with a fiddle, my uncle tripped and fell and that fiddle pierced mouth; he needed three stitches. My mom was telling me every little detail of her day like it was yesterday; everything fruits she bought, the dress she was wearing, and how carefree her brother was acting; she almost went back to the day spiritually. After she was done narrating her story I started to visualize my very first summer celebration; although I remember bits and pieces of it those bits and pieces are still very clear. I was 6 years old at the time; my mom had a thing for matching dresses for me and my sister. We had a recreational center nearby the colony we lived in at the time and they were making posters, clown hats, masks, and what-not; I had no clue about what the fuss was all about. I was the kid playing around with other kids in the midst of preparations. On the day of the festivity, my sister and I were in matching clothes, and just so people could tell us apart, she chose to wear a large cone-shaped hat and I wore a tiger mask; funnily I still remember the tiger mask. It was very early in the morning and so many people gathered for a procession; everyone dressed in traditional clothing except for the funny hats and mask.
This only made me wonder that the celebration is far grander than it used to be and the innocence of it is slowly gone in bits and pieces. Just like my mom remembers her earliest Pohela Boishakh, I remember mine and perhaps we'll both keep those memories in the far corner of our hearts to use them later for inspirations.
𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘

35th Issue,
We are getting lockdown again and the Ramadan is coming too. Actually, it’s here, day after tomorrow we are getting our holy month of Ramadan. The last two days were very busy for me to do the purchasing of the household needs for the rest of the month and now sat for the Turni The amazing piece of our community.
@deepu7 Bhai to be honest I was never interested in poem recitation. Actually, I never concentrated on these that’s why maybe. Two years ago I met a girl who was three years younger than me and she used to send me recitation of her frequently and from then I started to realize that it has a great attraction toward our soul. Here on the hive, I got you and every recitation of you touches the heart.
পহেলা বৈশাখ
One of my memorable visits to Boishakhi Mela was at the age of twelve. My mom took me and my younger sister with her. The most inter5esting part was the POTOL NACH (Doll dance). It’s been many years and I haven’t seen any show of this tradition. And yes, we do cherish these precious memories within our hearts.
You know I have never seen a putul nach in Boishakhi mela and I have only seen two or three times in my life... the dresses of the dolls used to be so beautiful and at times it would seem as if they're coming to life... you're right, it's like a tradition that is almost gone
Tahole to tomar jonno aamake Nazrul er Nari kobita ta aabriti korte hobe:-) Really the way you guys are inspiring me, it is something special and I will remember this for many years.
Shomoi kore ekdin koriyen tahole.
About art and films being different from painting, I would of course think its nothing different, but then, art should probably be broad. I mean from literature to theatre to even spoken words then including painting and film are all art. But then painting is specific, it'l should probably be the use of colours to depict or portray vividity and life itself. One can have a general knowledge of art but never understand what it truly means or what gets involved when it comes to painting. While a painting is an art an art isn't only a painting.
This time the magazine is very interesting for me.because Some parts are related to me.
*To me all such visits are like reading a book
When I was in my first year, my teachers was told me to see others work more than my own work. Because painting has its own language.painting also wants to say something
First of all,I would like to thank the team of the magazine.who made the magazine so special.
Especially for giving such a beautiful recitation to deepu vai.
Thanks to you too. For you, we are also being able to see some amazing artwork.
Rightly said bro. This edition is quite related to your passion. Your part of this edition is exceptional like always. We are blessed to have you with us.
It's been a while since I've joined the hive. But I found this wonderful group 3/4 days ago. After joining the group, I felt like I was in my mother's lap.
Stay healthy and safe, brother, this wish is constant
The thing that surprises me is that there is an artist like you in the community. We are really proud to have you with us. this one is marvellous partho bhai. Keep going dear brother ......
Nice to see you here in BDC. Yes, like you said this is a nice and so much supportive community specially for newcomers. You can also join our BDC discord channel and feel free to ask any questions. Thanks.
Thank you very much dear brother.
Dada I have no words to explain how David's works are... it's beyond me
Partho bhai you're art is exemplary... I can't pick out one better than the other
Deepu bhai... like dada said, your voice is truly made for Shakti.. I think now if I read I'll always hear your recitation from the back of my head
You're right Amor, the movie is very fast paced... people coming and going through different doors and such... probably there's a subtext to all that
These are the words which inspiring me to move forward. May be you left the call that late night Friday meeting where we had good recitation session with Sakib bro, Dada and many. It was quite an amazing session and I will remember it for many days.
Yea I left it early... damn it I miss the great stuff... never mind we'll do that again soon
@azircon'da, the reason I always say I understand art but not painting is because the artform I understand, namely cinema, I have a moderate understanding of the form and underlying principles about what makes them great.
My perception in cinema do enables me to feel other art forms, like literature and music and sometimes painting too— as all artforms are related to one another. But each artform does have its innate rules and regulations and I have no concrete knowledge about these, only the perceptions of them formed in me. Perhaps, that is enough, no more is needed. An artwork is complete when it is felt. But I've always felt a sense of incompleteness if I stop there. I have a tendency of trying to make sense of things logically.
and I will insist that you do understand paintings :)
did you enjoy the winter display by Dave?
I have never visited any art museum, to be honest. Fact, I have not visited any museum. Oh, yes I visited Bangabandhu Museum in Bangladesh 4 years ago. I didn't understand much about museum visits then. Dada, You mentioned that you were an art exhibition. and such visit like reading a visit book to you, that's really interesting to me.
The thing that surprises me is that there is an artist like you in the community. We are really proud to have you with us. this one is marvellous partho bhai. Keep going brother 🦾.
Depu bhai, your recitation is as incomparable as ever. Best every single time❤️.
Thanks brother. Turni is our dream magazine and I am only a part of it. We will move forward as a team.
When i reminisce the memories of my childhood it makes me smile.
I don't know why but our parents like giving us matching dresses when we were little too.
Well, i am not really a lover of summer cause i hate heat with passion and its so common here in my country. The weather here is always too harsh more reason that i don't even want summer to arrive sometimes. 😅🤣Memories🤗 @surrealfia
Thank you so much... to be honest I detest summer but the New Year celebrations on 14th had always been spectacular.... this year it will be skipped too because of the current situation... I hope next year things get better
Oh well, I hope it does for you. So you love summer? Isn't it got over there?
Thank you for sharing such beautiful works of art, all of them; photographs, paintings and your childhood story nurture me.
That child in the tiger mask, that is you, who marveled at the small festivals overwhelmed by the beauty of him now has the maturity to see and understand the art of the world around him. you are a wonderful person.
@artistparthoroy, you have made such an excellent drawing. When i saw this image for the first time i thought that's a realistic image, but when my eyes fell on this (art by @artistparthoroy) i could not believe my eyes. Really, It was too good.
Oh, @deepu7 bhai what a peaceful poem recitation it is! You have the talent to recite poetry beautifully. You have been reciting so many poetry and which you are posting on hive its too good. When i heard your poem recitation, i felt peace.
যদিও realistic শব্দটার সাথে আমার প্রচণ্ড রকম বিরোধ রয়েছে😅।
তারপর আপনাকে আনেক ধন্যবাদ।
Because I don't want painting to be like a photograph
These are really some inspiring words. Thank you brother.
The two Arts are extraordinarily beautiful. How they draw such beautiful pictures.
@deepu7 you voice is made for Sokti! I don't know how to thank you... honestly!
Dada aapnar valo legese eatei aamar muloto aabriti sharthok. Oi din voice meeting er por thik korlam Sokti aabriti korbo. Tai aapnar prio duita kobita kore fellam. ধর্মে আছো জিরাফেও আছো ১ ও ২ And হেমন্তের অরণ্যে আমি পোস্টম্যান
All of your art is extraordinary. The previous art was also very beautiful. It's a matter of time enough to do an art though I know. Btw You are truly an exceptional artist.
দাদা যেমনটা বললো, আপনার কন্ঠে এক অন্যরকম শক্তি আছে। যেটায় যে কেউ মুগ্ধ হবে। অনেক দিন পর পাশাপাশি দুটো আবৃত্তি পেলাম। ধন্যবাদ ভাই, অনেক সুন্দর আবৃত্তি করেছেন।
আমি মুভি দেখে মুভির দৃশ্যের পার্থক্য তেমন বুঝি না। স্টোরি সুন্দর হলেই আমার কাছে মুভিটা ভালো। ভিডিও টা দেখে তো মনে হচ্ছে অনেক কিছু ঘটছে ভিতরে। তিন জন পাদ্রিকে ব্যাপক ব্যস্ত মনে হচ্ছে কোন একটা কিছু নিয়ে।
Sokti is one of Dada’s favourite poets. I have also become a aficionado of him. Glad to know that you enjoyed the recitation part.
I do not know how to paint but dada is a good artist but his art is like glass painting. I'm a Bengali boy and I know the feelings of Poyla Boysak, it's an emotion.
Happy Poyla Boysak To You Sir.Such A great Art I have ever seen, @artistparthoroy Sir I like your Art very much.
I am a new member of hive. I need a little help. I don't understand anything here . please anyone can give me the Discord link.