We'd like to start by thanking all the 51 participants for their time, participation and effort. And as a token of appreciation, here is a portion of a beautiful poem named "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
We have successfully ended the second round of our contest with 51 total entries. The count was less than our first run but, the quality of the posts is now so better than the previous entries; its almost eye pokingly good.

As always this time too, our gracious @Azircon "Dada" managed to put aside some time for us and our contest even amidst his busy schedule. This time the shortlist reached up to 31. And some of it was too good not to be awarded. But contests are contests and only the toppers win.
For now, our plan is to hold these contests for at least a few weeks. And if you didn't win this time, participate now, and hopefully, you will have a chance at it again.
But, let us remind you of one thing. These contests aren't just about the prizes. So, if you didn't win, there must be a pretty good reason behind it, or you just fell short before the finish line.
These contests are not about giving handouts to people who need it. For that, we have an ongoing and completely voluntary donation project. This is, so we get a chance to show the world our innate rich culture and our beautiful little native stories.
Our goal is to make this as fun and entertaining as possible. Honest engagements are the basic bricks and mortars for a great community. And that is what we are trying to do here, build a great community.
If you want to know what your entry lacked in, please read the following texts carefully. @Azircon was kind enough to share with us methods he used in selecting the best contents. These are his words without anything altered at all.
What worked:
Honesty. I can usually tell what people really want to do vs. what they are saying, thinking," it will work."
Originality. If someone says I want to buy a cow with 1000 Hive and defends it with convincing writing, that's original. Because, as a city dweller I won't buy a cow personally, but I can see why someone farming in the village want to buy a cow.
Flow. From beginning to end, the post kept the reader engaged, and the writing flows.
Personality. A person's writing tells me who they are. That is the goal of this contest
True Story (or its reverse construct): Personal stories about a memorable time/space. These are often hard to make up, so the winning ones were personal stories. Remember, in original writing, the story does not necessarily have to be true. But the way you write makes it true or false.
Style or destruction of Style: I am a big fan of "lack of formal structure" in a sentence construction. However, that comes after you know how to construct a formal sentence :blush: You learn the classic sentence construction first….. then break the rules :blush: Just like Picasso
What didn't work:
Images of poverty. Especially ones taken from internet (even with source cited). I grew up from a fairly economically disadvantaged background. I have seen plenty of poverty all over the world. I strongly believe that our culture is rich, and we have many things to contribute to the world other than poverty.
"Pie in the Sky" thoughts. I should say what Miss Universes say during a reception speech. "We are very proud, excited, and thrilled to receive the prize, and we will distribute it selflessly to the poor and the needy"…. No, that didn't work.
Missing the concept: Many people tried to write on a similar topic, like travel, friendship etc. Some of these posts are quite good, but they are off topic. What we are trying to do with these contests is to invite people to understand our culture.
Trying too hard. and missing the fun altogether.
Now, if you decide to participate in all the upcoming contests, including this one, just keep in mind a basic understanding of those great suggestions, and you'll be hard to beat.
Winners of our last contest:
First place: @pitboy
পরিণতি! (Love And Friendship)
Second Place: @nirupom.azad
রোদেলা দিনগুলি (A Story About How Friendships Are Precious and Should be Cherished.)
Third Place:Doctor XDXD) @simplifylife (Our community

Next Weeks Topic: Describe Your Para.
Para is a Bengali word for Neighborhood.
We all have that place we love to call our home. But in reality, it's not only bound and limited to our house or our gardens, etc. It's comprised of that special view of nature bathing in golden light you see out of your window when you wake up in the morning. Or that special swing on a tree that only you had as a child that made your peers jealous. Small details like that are what make our house not just a home but a Para, which is full of dandelions, positive memories, and affection. Write about that.
Winners and prizes:
Like the last contest, there will be a 100 hive prize pool, and it will be given to authors with the best top three entry as 50 for the first position, 30 and 20 for the second and third.
All the details and conditions of the contest are as follows.
Terms and Conditions:
- The entries can be written both in Bengali and English.
- You have to be a Member of BDCommunity to participate.
- The post should contain at least 350 words
- Only the first entry will be counted as valid, but you can enter the contest as many times as you like throughout the contest.
- The title of the post should include "Describe Your Para". For example, Describe Your Para: [Your Title Here]
- Use both #BDC #BDCcontest among your tags.
- Put a comment with the link of your entry below.
- Submission is due within Friday 10:00 AM GMT +6. Entries will not be accepted after 10:00 AM.
Evaluation Process:
- Try to follow the advises mentioned above by heart as they were proven to have worked.
- Failure to follow any of the conditions as mentioned above will cause an automatic disqualification.
- Please refrain from using vulgar words and stick to the topic.
- @Azircon will be evaluating the entries.
- There will be Three Winners, 1st place-50 HIVE, 2nd place-30 HIVE and 3rd place-20 HIVE.
- Try putting passion and personality in your entry. It is what will let you win in the end.
- The winners will be announced in our weekly voice meeting next Friday 10 PM GMT +6.
If you have any questions regarding the contest, feel free to ask ZayedSakib#0458, Linco#6742, or head over to our community Discord and drop your queries there. Somebody will always be there to answer your questions.
Photo Taken from Pixabay
Support us by voting as a Hive Witness and/or by delegating Hive Power.
Hi thanks for such an amazing contest here is my entry
Here is my entry
#posh #hive #bdcommunity https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@engrsayful/describe-your-para
My first entry to contest, writtenfrom my sweet memorie..
my entry https://peakd.com/hive-190212/@shuvo35/describe-your-para-or-or
My entry: https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@rasheddh/describe-your-para
My first entry https://peakd.com/hive-190212/@hiramoni/describe-your-para-or-or-untold-story
I made an entry
My contest Entry
Superb contest, I am enjoying to participate.
uncommon topic for contest. it will be tough for all to make some good stories. best of luck for all.
Thanks you so much for this wonderful contest @bdcommunity,the team are doing wonderful when it comes to promoting the best community on the chain....
Nice contest to talk about neighborhood. Well said that place near our house is also beautiful and deserve to be shared with people. I will share my publication within the time. Thanks
My entry:
Thank you @bdcommunity for this nice arrangement, here is my entry for the third contest- https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@mustavi/describe-your-para-shundardi-the-greenest-part-of-barishal
My Entry
congratulation to all the winners ! para word is nice and this type of place we should introduce among people.
My entry
My entry:
Thanks for this wonder contest.
Link to my entry
My entry for the bdccommunity week 3 contest! You guys are amazing for coming up with these contests. Wishing all participants the very best.. Cheers!
About My Para And Area... Entry Here
This is my entry
Hi, @bdcommunity @azircon @zayedsakib @linco.
Here is m post: https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@wiseagent/describe-your-para-the-roots-created-by-us-feed-the-world.
Thanks for the amazing contest
here is my entry - https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@hossainbd/describe-your-para
my entry for the contest : https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@ridoykhan22/describe-your-para
Here is my entry post to the contest
This is my entry :https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@niha/describe-your-para
Here is my entry:
#bdc #bdccontest https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@didar79/describe-your-para
Here is my entry link
My Entry: https://peakd.com/hive-190212/@steemitwork/describe-your-para-new-babu-para-the-heart-of-saidpur-city
my entry
#posh https://hive.blog/hive-190212/@ifeoluwa88/describe-your-para-either-peace-or-noisy-my-para-has-it
hello famz
Again a little late. :(
My entry. Phew one more hour before it closes. Lol
last minute entry :)
Ugh, I keep forgetting to comment my link here!
Hi team
Here's my entry. Its slightly late but appreciate if you consider it. Thank you.
This is my entry. It is my first post in this community as well as second post as a whole. Like the writing contest very much.
Describe Your Para: আমার শৈশব কৈশোরের স্মৃতিময় পাড়া