19/07/2021৪ঠা শ্রাবণ ১৪২৮
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝕿𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖎
We are in mid-summer and it’s hot outside. It feels especially hot because of the high humidity and I am sure most of you are well aware. Here a lot of us ’hibernate’ during the burring, as that is the running joke. Even kids don’t stay outside for long to play during July-August. So people mostly focus on stay-at-home activities. For me over the weekends, it is mostly reading and writing. This is nice, as I am slacking on both as of late. If you are feeling the same, then I must request you to gear up and put your best out for the next issue, as that will be our 50th issue. That would mean, I have written this column 49 times non-stop. I do believe we took a week of break during winter holidays once, and maybe another week somewhere, if my memory serves me well. There is no other weekly activity that I have performed this long and this regularly that I can remember. So from just a personal point of view this is already an impressive feat. I don’t know how each of you feel about that, but it is not always easy, and not always as fluid as it needs to be. However, the key point is to drudge through it! At least that is what I do, whether you like it or not.
In terms of Hive, we have passed a Hard Fork, and the newest thing is the end of curation sniping. That is a welcome move. The greater hive team put a lot of focus on manual curation and engagement on this hard-fork. There is direct benefit and reward for engagement and manual curation. We are already seeing the benefit of that if you ask me. Please make sure you guys take full advantage of that.
I am still seeing most people of BDC keep their limited engagement within the BDC. This is quite detrimental for your personal growth. You must reach out to the greater hive community. If you don’t network, ultimately you are doomed. This is true not only for hive, but life in general as well. Regarding that, many of you write in Bengali only, while that is okay in the beginning, but you must also pick up English writing. This is simply because most people don’t understand how to read Bengali and therefore, won’t be able to communicate or read your post. English is an international language. Therefore, if you develop English writing and even spoken english skills, that will benefit you personally. Just because some of you get a decent vote because of the community support, which is highly appreciated by the way, shouldn’t prevent you from reaching out to the broader community for networking, engagement and support. This is not optional. From this point onward, please consider this mandatory. We are sorry that we have to write it down for some of you, but this is nothing new and we have said that a number of times and all possible modes of communication. Again, this is for your own good and your benefit.
With that said, let us all focus on better content production in the future. We do this for us, because it simply improves our personal skills. Good luck writing for the next issue.
Busyness in Indolence
If you're from Bangladesh, the chances are you had to memorize and regurgitate the essay "Value of Time" on the answer sheet. It was one of the sure-shot essays you could memorize. For all the time we had to read it, we never really understood the meaning of it. Later in our lives as adults, when we're reminded of the importance of time, it doesn't mean anything to the mass of the people. When they say, time is money; we cringe inwardly—everyone knows money is money, and time is worthless. Plenty of time. Time isn't going anywhere. We still have time. Let's save some money by grinding instead. And outwardly, we want to avoid the discussion altogether. We would actually love to ignore the people who think in such a line as well. And if we can't ignore them, we think of them as good for nothing romantics.
It appears to me people are constantly going through rigorous efforts not to comprehend what the passing of time signifies—which is understandable; I assume most of them would lose their sanity if they were conscious about it constantly. I would assume I wouldn't like that either.
I've been wasting time in indolence for a long time with random phases of active, acute awareness. And each of them usually sends a shiver down my spine. I soon forget the whole ordeal. Our body is resourceful at forgetting things that have the potential to harm us after all, psychologically or otherwise.
But I have become increasingly wary lately; of how time passes even when I'm not conscious about it. A sort of uneasiness hangs somewhere back of my throat, like an itch you cannot scratch. I feel like there is a duality of presence in me, they are engaged in a vicious dispute. One wants to make most of the time I have on earth, the other one carelessly wants to gossip, play games, socialize, and do some other similar things that catch my attention pretty quickly and keep me distracted.
And I'm torn, utterly torn.
পাহাড় চূড়া – সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়
অনেকদিন থেকেই আমার একটা পাহাড় কেনার শখ।
কিন্তু পাহাড় কে বিক্রি করে তা জানি না।
যদি তার দেখা পেতাম,
দামের জন্য আটকাতো না।
আমার নিজস্ব একটা নদী আছে,
সেটা দিয়ে দিতাম পাহাড়টার বদলে।
কে না জানে, পাহাড়ের চেয়ে নদীর দামই বেশী।
পাহাড় স্থানু, নদী বহমান।
তবু আমি নদীর বদলে পাহাড়টাই
কারণ, আমি ঠকতে চাই।
নদীটাও অবশ্য কিনেছিলামি একটা দ্বীপের বদলে।
ছেলেবেলায় আমার বেশ ছোট্টোখাট্টো,
ছিমছাম একটা দ্বীপ ছিল।
সেখানে অসংখ্য প্রজাপতি।
শৈশবে দ্বীপটি ছিল আমার বড় প্রিয়।
আমার যৌবনে দ্বীপটি আমার
কাছে মাপে ছোট লাগলো। প্রবহমান ছিপছিপে তন্বী নদীটি বেশ পছন্দ হল আমার।
বন্ধুরা বললো, ঐটুকু
একটা দ্বীপের বিনিময়ে এতবড়
একটা নদী পেয়েছিস?
খুব জিতেছিস তো মাইরি!
তখন জয়ের আনন্দে আমি বিহ্বল হতাম।
তখন সত্যিই আমি ভালবাসতাম নদীটিকে।
নদী আমার অনেক প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিত।
যেমন, বলো তো, আজ
সন্ধেবেলা বৃষ্টি হবে কিনা?
সে বলতো, আজ এখানে দক্ষিণ গরম হাওয়া।
শুধু একটি ছোট্ট দ্বীপে বৃষ্টি,
সে কী প্রবল বৃষ্টি, যেন একটা উৎসব!
আমি সেই দ্বীপে আর যেতে পারি না,
সে জানতো! সবাই জানে।
শৈশবে আর ফেরা যায় না।
এখন আমি একটা পাহাড় কিনতে চাই।
সেই পাহাড়ের পায়ের
কাছে থাকবে গহন অরণ্য, আমি সেই অরণ্য পার হয়ে যাব, তারপর শুধু রুক্ষ
কঠিন পাহাড়।
একেবারে চূড়ায়, মাথার
খুব কাছে আকাশ, নিচে বিপুলা পৃথিবী,
চরাচরে তীব্র নির্জনতা।
আমার কষ্ঠস্বর সেখানে কেউ শুনতে পাবে না।
আমি ঈশ্বর মানি না, তিনি আমার মাথার কাছে ঝুঁকে দাঁড়াবেন না।
আমি শুধু দশ দিককে উদ্দেশ্য করে বলবো,
প্রত্যেক মানুষই অহঙ্কারী, এখানে আমি একা-
এখানে আমার কোন অহঙ্কার নেই।
এখানে জয়ী হবার বদলে ক্ষমা চাইতে ভালো লাগে।
হে দশ দিক, আমি কোন দোষ করিনি।
আমাকে ক্ষমা করো।
We, the bookworms, or book lovers, or nerds; or whatever you like to call yourself, are more or less familiar with Haruki Murakami;the legendary writer who, most of the time loves to throw us into an existential turmoil.
If you are not familiar with this name, Haruki Murakami is a Japanese writer, famous for his numerous bestselling novels, short stories and essays. The journey of my Murayama's books started with “Men without Women”. It was more like the debut of my obsession with japanese writers. Haruki Murakami has the ability to create a calm and collected addiction with his words. The books I have read so far managed to build a soothing atmosphere at the beginning, warping in this simple, linear storyline just to push towards the pit of philosophical debates in the middle, which give birth to nothing but more philosophical debates to the end. But today’s writing is not about my love for Murakami's books, it’s more about the experience I had with “Men without Women”.
I didn’t start reading it right away, either because of academic pressure or because I was in the middle of reading another book. Whatever the reason was, for a while the book got carried around in the backpack like leftovers. But one day, during a class period, the teacher forgot to notify us about the class cancelation and we had to sit through a 45-minute class, idly. I was bored with a book in my backpack, so I did what any bookworm would do.
At some point, a boy from my left saw the book title and started to laugh, he called my name and said, “You are a feminist! You are dangerous.” I was a little confused at first, thinking why was this boy, whose name I didn’t even know, calling my name and laughing at me. It took a while to realize the reason but before I could react, the boy started to declare his grand realization to the whole class while shouting and pointing at me saying, “She is a feminist!” The sudden shift of scenario caught me off guard, and my brain couldn’t function what was happening, but before I could plan an appropriate comeback, I heard myself shout back, “And I am dangerous!” The whole class started laughing, and then one girl shouted, “Cool.” while another shouted, “Why?”
After the laughter died down, I went back to reading, hoping no one would bother me this time. But another boy called me from behind and said, “You read Murakami! I love his books”. The admiration I saw in his eyes while talking about the book I was holding, was genuine and appreciable and it felt nice after experiencing the little idiotic situation.
So there you have it, two completely different reactions about the same book, displaying two different types of people, a little shoutout sessions and the beginning of my Murakami journey, all in that 45-minutes canceled classroom.
𝕰𝖎𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘
Have you ever looked for happiness and ended up with sadness? If the answer is 'yes' well, it's natural, sometimes to be in a sad mood. It's also normal to run after happiness and didn’t get, whats not normal is that 'you given up in despair'. There are many ways to find happiness if you really have the volition.
The whole world is suffering from the covid pandemic. The number of patients infected with corona is increasing day by day in Bangladesh as well. The helpless people are facing the most trouble. Meanwhile, the biggest religious festival of Muslims, the holy Eid al-Adha, is coming to the fore. It awakens in the hearts of Muslims the feeling of caring for one another by sharing joy. Though every Eid, regardless of the rich and the poor, the celebration of Eid in a row is loudly proclaimed. But the reality is different.
About 80% of the people in our area have become helpless due to this pandemic. And this year more than in the last few years, there has been an outcry among the people. So this year too we have bought a cow according to the ability to make the helpless happy who are stare at the the riches. That's what makes me happy, and cheerful. Who wouldn't be happy? If others are delighted by you, If an aged blesses you from his/her heart, If your parents feel proud of you. This is where self-peace derivation.

She was walking around the neighborhood getting to know the place that she’d just moved in. It was noisy and crowded just like any other city that never sleeps; that is probably one of the reasons why she preferred small towns, for their peace and quiet. Deep down in her heart, she knew that cities did hold certain charms.
As she walks on the concrete pavement, she comes across an antique shop that catches her attention. It was a spacious place unlike the dark and gloomy antique shops that she'd been to before. Even with dark green colored walls, royal blue and gold designed wallpapers, the place was roomy and had enough light. There were a few glass cases where antique jewelry, artifacts, and such were placed neatly. They had been dealt with a lot of care and caution. She passed each case at a time, even checking out the wall glass shelves of antiquities. Her face shone with excitement revealing how fascinating she found it all.
And finally, something shimmered bright enough to catch her attention for more than mere seconds.
Hundreds of days, confined to either a glass case or some other safe, isn't as glorious as it sounds; maybe to humans but to this poor little thing, it was an endless prison sentence. What could this poor lifeless thing do other than cozying up inside the box looking pretty! Sometimes it gets a glance from a passerby, like the one standing in front, every once in a while, and sometimes some curious eyes manage to ask the burly man "What's the price?" Often seems overcharged and hardly been adorned by any.
It is as stunning as the story that's wrapped around it. It’s owner has lost track of its whereabouts and as many times as it has changed hands, no one knows who it belongs to anymore. Some think that it was given as a gift to someone of high importance and others think it's not as old as it appears to be but attractive. Nevertheless, it has quite a story to tell. Sitting on the tiny, royal blue, velvet box inside an unbreakable glass-covered case, it looks beautiful with intricate details and studded gems stiking enough to draw attention. And even then it is having a hard time positioning itself where it can wow many others as sometimes other pieces overshone it.

A ring; small yet not delicate but mesmerizing.
Did I tell you that the ring has a story? I did. Then again, it has many stories but none it can tell by itself. Before glamourising this boring-looking case, it was owned by a socialite by her fiance; with a tragic turn and a broken engagement, the ring got tossed out by the angry rich woman. One of the cleaners had found and pawned it to this shop. The rich angry woman thought it was a cheap ring and in a fit of rage, called off the wedding. A beautiful ring in the muddied lawn, wondering if its last prison was better where it laid for a decade.
The place before was a bigger shop specializing in jewelry, old and new. It was sold by a man on the verge of bankruptcy, having no other way to turn to his last resort, his wife's ring. He had bought it only a few years ago from another jeweler for his wedding but the wife loved it anyway. And that other jeweler got it from a homeless woman. Now, this homeless woman knew the older stories of this ring as it was her family heirloom. The ring adorned her mother's finger and as well as her grandmother's. Her mother passed away when she was a child and in her early teens, she found herself homeless after her father's death. Due to extreme poverty, she availed to let go of the only object her mother left for her.
The ring appears to be cursed, doesn't it, luck turns back to whoever takes possession of it. But as soon as the hand changes, luck changes for the better.
The girl in front of the case, gawking at the ring knows nothing about any history. Even if she knew, should she still be looking at this ring as she's doing now?
রাস্তা চলতে চলতে মাঝে মাঝে আনমনা হয়ে যাই। কোথায় চলেছি, কেন চলেছি ইত্যাদি ভাবনাগুলো হঠাৎ যেন মন থেকে উবে যায়। অনেকটা খেই হারানোর মত অবস্থা হয় আরকি। তবে আজ এই অনমনা মনে রাস্তা চলতে চলতে; এই চলন, মনন আর যাপিত জীবন নিয়ে কী একটা যেন মনের কোনে কেমন ঝলক দিয়ে উঠল। সে কথাই বলতে এসেছি। সেদিকেই কিঞ্চিৎ মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ এই লেখার মূখ্য না হলেও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উদ্দেশ্য বলতে পারেন।
"হাম যো চালনে লাগে য়্যে রাস্তে..
মাঞ্জিলছে ব্যহতার লাগনে লাগে য়্যে রাস্তে.."
গানটা বেশ ভালো লেগেছিল, গুনগুন করে গাইতামও মাঝে মাঝে। তবে এই কথাগুলো অনুধাবন করেছি অনেক পরে। জীবন রাস্তায় আমরা ছুটে চলেছি অবিরাম, এই ধস্তাধস্তি, হুড়োহুড়ি কোন অধরাকে ধরার জন্য তা জানিনা। তবে কারো কারো এই পথ চলাতেই যেন আনন্দ। আবিল এই দৌড়ে তারা খুঁজে নিয়েছে যেন শান্তির বিরাম। লক্ষ্যের চেয়ে তা অর্জনের রাস্তা চলাটাই তাদের কাছে প্রীতিকর।
অন্ধভাবে রাস্তা চললে যেমন হোঁচট খাবার সম্ভাবনা প্রবল, তেমনি রাস্তার শত কোটি অমূল্য চিত্তাকর্ষক বস্তু কিন্তু অগোচরেই থেকে যেতে পারে। এমনকি কেউ কেউ খুঁজে পেতে পারেন অনুপ্রেরণার মন্ত্র অথবা অধিক হতাশায় আশার পূর্বাভাস। এজন্যই বুঝি বলা হয়; "লিভিং লাইফ টু দ্যা ফুলেস্ট"। যাক সে অন্য কথা সেদিকে আর না যাই।
রাস্তা নির্বাচন এক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ ভূমিকা পালন করে। বিচক্ষণতার সাথে এ কার্য আর কজনই বা সমাধা করতে পারে। সঠিক রাস্তার খোঁজ পেতে পেতে অনেকের হয়ত আর রাস্তা বদল করা হয়ে ওঠে না। কি চাই? কেন চাই? আথবা কতটা চাই? অন্ততপক্ষে এই ব্যপারে কুয়ারি থাকা বাঞ্চনীয়। আপনি যদি নিজে আলোকিত না হন, অন্যের অন্ধকার দূর করবেন কিভাবে? হুঁ?
রাস্তা নির্বাচন আর সচেতনতা নিয়ে তো অনেক কথাই হল। এবার আসি রাস্তা চলার কম্প্যানিয়ন এর ব্যপারে। বলা হয় একজন ভালো কম্প্যানিয়ন জীবন চলার পথকে করে তোলে সুগম আর আনন্দঘন। একথা অবশ্য স্বীকার্য যে শুধু রাস্তা চলা কেন, আরো বহুবিধ ক্ষেত্রে এই একজন ভালো সাথী কতটা ভূমিকা রাখতে পারে তার লিমিট নাই। তবে আমার কাছে প্রক্রিয়াটা দ্বি-মূখী। শুধু আপনিই ভালো কম্পানি চাইবেন আর নিজে হবেন না, তা কি হয়? আপনাকেও একজন ভালো কম্প্যানিয়ন হতে হবে। তাইলেই অনেক সমস্যা হয়ে যাবে; জলবৎ তরলং! ব্যপারটা ধরতে পেরেছেন নিশ্চয়।
অনেকেই আমার সাথে এ ব্যপারে একমত নাও হতে পারেন। বলতে পারেন, রাস্তাই যদি অত ভালোই হবে, তবে বাছা লক্ষ্যের পিছনে মানুষ অমন ছোটে কেন বলতো? আমি বলব, কথা ঠিকই আছে, তবে যারা এই অনন্দ নিতে পারছে বা নিচ্ছে তারা বোধহয় বেশ সুখেই আছে। আর অনিশ্চিত ভবিষ্যৎ এর কথা কে আর বলতে পারে বলুন। তা না দেয় ধরা, না করে কারো পরোয়া। ব্যাটা যেন অধরায় থেকে ক্রমাগত উপভোগ করে চলেছে বিধাতার এই অত্যাশ্চর্য মুনুষ্য পুতুলের নাটক। আর আমরা সবাই যেন সে নাটকের নট আর নটী!
শুরুতে বলা গানটার মত তাই বলতে চাই; শেষ করেও যেন শেষ করা হয়ে উঠছে না আজ। রাস্তা চলার কথা বলে, চলার আনন্দের কথা বলে হঠাৎ যদি এই লেখার যবনীকা টেনে দিই; তাহলে কেমন একটা অতৃপ্তি থেকে যাবে। তাই বলতে চাই এই লেখা যদি আপনার তীক্ষ্ণ প্রজ্ঞাকে একটু হলেও ভাবিয়ে তোলে, তাহলেই আমি নিশ্চিন্ত। জানব আমার এ লেখা তখনও এগিয়ে চলেছে তার সুদীর্ঘ এক মানস ভ্রমনের কার্নিভালে। আর প্রজ্ঞাবান পাঠকের স্তুতিই যার আন্তরিক কম্প্যানিয়ন।
আর হ্যাঁ,
রাস্তা চলতে আবার দেখা হবে নিশ্চয়....!
𝕰𝖓𝖉 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘

Lack of interaction and engagement outside of BDC is a chicken and egg problem Amor. If people think they won't network outside, obviously no one will know them outside. If no one knows them, other then auto-vote and/or a follow of a curation program, there is no way to get any personal vote. If vote is all we are talking about.
This is the specific reason I like to detach people from vote, and let people focus on networking. However, this has been mostly a failure. I have seen probably 3-4 people to network outside.
I will tell the reason as well, if you get a $15 vote without any effort, why would you go outside? $15/day is a substantial money in BD, even $10/day is substantial.
So this brings forward an endemic problem that we face, only you can fix it.
There might be the case of language and cultural barrier. Many are comfortable with their tribesman and if communication grows stronger, the need to branch out might be little.
@Editor : as a newbie am quite unaware of many things but am hoping to learn more from here. Would like to ask a question to you, how are the works selected for "The Weekly Turni"? @deepu7 : an amazing write up. I wouldn't say I feel refreshed, but I couldn't stop feeling the urge to sync. @sarashew : I couldn't stop being amused by the reaction of the first guy. It is too easy to judge someone, right? One doesn't bat an eyelash before mocking another, tragic life! But am quite amazed too, that it is so beautiful that the difference in opinion and mindset was displayed to you in such a short time interval while reading this one book. Now, am quite interested to read it too!! @toushik : self-peace, something behind which many of us tend to run-after. Interestingly, it is one thing that one only achieves instantly after helping one-another. How mesmerizing is the thought itself, right? @surrealfia : thrilling!!!! @chrysanthemum : I have learned some solid hard words today! Thank you. Without your text, this would have been quite impossible. Btw, the song that you mentioned, that's one of my favorite song! ^_^
Thank you @tahminasyed for sharing your feelings! Good to know that you've liked my bengali writing. And again welcome to BDC.
You can join our discord server and share your quarries.
Best wishes!
BDC Discord
This poem was written by সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়
I just recited it..
thank you so much
I was amused and annoyed at the same time when the first boy started shouting. I think that is most common reaction you can expect from judgmental people.
And the book is really interesting. I am sure you will like it. :')
Really nice thing to address Editor..
I just want to add another point. Turni is the dream magazine for us who are closely related with BDC and also the well wishers. But the matter of sorrow is that we don’t see any engagement/comments from the people who are everyday giving quite a good time to BDC discord server. I do agree that it is one’s personal choice, but it feels better and encourage them who are dedicatedly attached with this magazine. It’s our magazine and we want more engagement from people and that should start from our native community people. This is my wish and I believe it will happen.
Heartiest congratulations for the milestone. I vividly remember ever since I was a part of this journey. Reading the weekly turni and being able to write for it was one of the achievements for me in this community. Although I was not from the very beginning. Maybe I am starting to read the 16th-17th turni. It's really surprising, this long journey is not that easy to manage one hand, but you did. The real thing is its SUCCESS.
Dada, I guess we all need to learn to get out of our comfort zone... I can't say what the right approach would be... I believe you know how birds learn to fly for the first time
Amor you almost always feel torn about wasting time... you shouldn't... life is too short to regret something like this and I guess you learn about the importance of time when you waste it... you haven't nearly wasted as much as you beat yourself up over it
Deepu bhai as always your poetry is something otherworldly
Sara it's not just about reading Murakami and being a feminist... for me Murakami is "accepting the way I am" sort of call... I don't even use the word feminist... it's the way my parents have raised me, I have been both a son and a daughter and sometimes just their kid
Toushik believe me things have not been easy at all... many of my colleagues have families in villages and in far districts... the worry was so evident in them... they were even willing to walk all the way to home to their families if the lockdown wasn't revoked for the time being... it's not just the Eid, it's being around their families that mattered most
Chad mama life is a long journey with the destination, you know... it's not where we reached, it's the path we took to get there
Yep, absolutely! Couldn’t disagree more on this.. Thanks Fia! 😇
I always feel better and find enthusiasm from the listeners like you. Thanks.
That's one of the reasons I love Murakamis books. :') and also you have amazing parents. :')
The dedication and commitment to write 49 times non-stop for this long is admirable and I should really look up to you for that. Congratulation for the upcoming millstone.
The main reason I don't interact with other communities besides BDC and CineTv is because of anxiety issue. Still working on it. Hopefully in the future the interaction range will increase more.
I had the exact thought process a while back and the end result was not good XD so for now I decided to live in the present. We spend one third of our time on earth just by sleeping anyway. You will only make the most of it by doing things you love or passionate about, if the things turn out to be gaming/gossiping/reading then it's not a waste of time :')
@deepu7 I really enjoyed the poetry recitation :')
@surrealfia If I were her I would've probably bought it and sent it to you as a gift :v
@chrysanthemum As always beautifully written. I wish I could write Bengali like you. I am not a fan of destination probably that's why I have none. :')
and I'm already over the moon by this gesture... cursed or not I'd keep it treasured
Glad to know that you've liked it.
Yeah, it’s okay not have any particular destination; but I wish you enjoy the 'Rasta'...
Most of us are living on this road to be honest. Very few can reach the destination. But you are right, the road is much more fun and memorable than the destination.
Nice to hear that you enjoyed it.Thanks @sarashew
I don't consider reading as wasting time. or any of the art forms for that matter. To be honest, they are the supreme things to live for and perfect ways to spend valuable time. :)
But gossiping and gaming as wasting time? Definitely!
Oh come on.. Not gaming! XD Most of the games we play are not a complete waste, there are puzzles solving, multitasking, strategies to perform, which only sharpen our problem solving skills.
Gossiping.. well I will give you that. It is a waste of time
It's actually a wonder how you do it week after week, even when on vacation! Kudos man!
Out of 49 turnis, I think I've missed about 8/9 or so, considering I wasn't there for the first few.
Another reason people do not engage outside of the BDC community could be simply, they don't want to engage, or socialize in a plain term. I suppose they get what they need from Hive and so, why would they do more, lol!
Which is counterproductive on a social media site. But I doubt whether socializing can be taught. It feels quite innate to me.
I'm not all that surprised by the reactions of the first boy and I'm only assuming you found another boy of the opposite spectrum because of the location you were in—a university.
People, in general, don't like to read, or readers for that matter. And in Bangladesh's case, the case is more severe.
Syed Mujtaba Ali complained about Bangali's book reading habit, Promoth Chowdhury complained too. So did some other literary figures. It's not like we don't have money to buy books. But we'd rather buy a beef stake one evening than buy a book that would change our lives forever.
About Murakami, I'm in the middle, not an enthusiast, neither a nay-sayer. I liked his Kafka on the shore quite a lot. 1Q84, not so much. I've picked up Killing Commendatore and read up a bit and it looked promising but was distracted. Will pick it up again soon.
Statistically People in Bangla used to read a lot in the past. The ratio of female book readers were also higher than the male. It's such a shame that our society continuously drifting away from the knowledge.
I am still suck in the Well. :3
I have a fascination for antiques but they are costly to come by aren't they?!
Someday I'll create a collection of antique objects, large enough to hold people in awe, and of course, myself included!
I wouldn't care about cursed objects. Actually, it would be nice to try to draw power from them lol!
I liked how you've detailed the backstory of the jewel, as it is getting ready for its next victim.
Your prose always catches me off guard. Nice job as always.
You and a grand display of your collection of antiquities! That's something I'll eagerly wait to watch and I'm sure you'll make it happen soon... Maybe a wall of fame for your films as well?
In the beginning, it was a great mystery who the Editor was. Some of us were truly clueless and it took some issues to figure out. It’s truly amazing to see him writing without missing any issue even in his vacations too. Looks like he got no vacation for BDC.𝕰𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖑 always comes with some valuable writing where I do find my guidelines and my failures to realize.
পাহাড় চূড়া
ভাইয়েরএই আবৃত্তি টা আগেই ইউটিউবে শুনে নিয়েছিলাম।😛
তখন পড়ার জন্য কবিতা টা আরেকটা পেইজে বের করে শুনেছি। এখন লিখাসহ পেয়ে গেলাম এখানে, আবারও শুনে বেশ ভালো লাগলো।
𝕰𝖎𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘
Yeah, it’s true that this covid has done incurable harm to many families financially, physically, or mentally. I too have seen many well-positioned families being helpless in the end due to this pandemic. Some of us are still in a good position to celebrate this Eid with satisfaction with your position. So it’s on us to look after them at this crucial time. May the Almighty keep all of us safe.
Great writings from all of the authors. It was a good read as usual.
Waiting for the 50th milestone….
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you are really a good writer. your writing style are awesome, i like it...
Who's style exactly?
That's really nice post