The Weekly Turni—Issue 89

in BDCommunity3 years ago

Monday, July 25th, 2022
সোমবার ১০ই শ্রাবণ ১৪২৯ বঙ্গাব্দ

Weekly Turni.png


Summer and bear market are both in full swing and I have seen the ‘tempo’ is a bit down across the board at hive. BDC and folks who put Turni together are no exception. It is not that people are worried about day-to-day expenses, but there is concern on the horizon. I typically do not like to sugarcoat events, so I will not be here either. I like to reiterate something that I have said in the past. That is: please consider trading and investing as two different things. Whatever you do to generate income, keep that sustainable. It does not matter whether it is inside or outside of the hive. It is important to keep the income coming for your basic operational expenses (OPEX). It is critical not to liquidate your assets during the bear market to cover your expenses. I have seen many people do that, and it is moronic every time. This is me being sensitive! You might say, that happens only when there is no remaining option. To that, I will say, why it came to that. This whole hive ecosystem didn’t exist in 2010, it did not in 2015. How did you sustain back then? How did anyone sustain back then?

Maybe you will answer, that you were too young and your parents used to feed you! Kudos to that! But the fact that you are an adult now, it is unlikely that you can rely on your parents to feed you in the next 5-10-20 years. Chances are high that bear market and cash crunch will happen again. What are you going to do then? The answer is simple. Keep a revenue stream going to sustain the OPEX, so that you don’t have to sell assets in a distressed situation.


A chance to start over again, we’ve all thought about it. What would we do so differently, if we all got to take another swing at life? Possibly with all our existing knowledge and experiences. I myself am still waiting for that miracle to happen, where I one day wake up in my 10-year-old self’s body, with all my currently existing memories and skills.

As some of us wait for that miracle to take place, for now, we’ll have to dwell in the realm of imagination and fiction.

This week's featured post: Infinity In A Page by @restcity


Todays capture.png

-by @fahmidamou

-by @riz



-by @minhajmredol

Hope keeps one alive; without that, things become meaningless and taste as awful as anything could ever be. Hope and dream both work in a similar way; it’s because of these hopes and dreams that we plan, we work, and then execute them for the desired outcome. Sometimes, we meet our expectations and get to taste the satisfaction, and sometimes, it just doesn’t work out. Thus we then aim for the next steps, new hopes, and work plans. It keeps repeating one after another, an endless loop.

I am on my way to work as per my plans for the coming days, and on my way, I always get to see some fail miserably, facing a hard time fulfilling their dreams. While I am on my way, I see some returning back, and some getting ready with double enthusiasm after a debugging session. I really love to see these kinds of fighter souls. They make, break and then repair themselves again and again to continue this endless loop of life.

Why are we going on with this loop? Because it’s through this that we might win over our aims. And when we do so, we will have to set another one for the future. Without any hope or aim, what are we going to do in this world? Eat, sleep, and repeat? I use these three words mostly; even though I say these, I don't mean them only. I meant to say that it's not the proper way of living, right?
During covid, I had to live in that three words cycle, and that felt like a cage, hehehe.

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” – Tom Bodett

-by @r-nyn

Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.

— Oscar Wilde

Life sometimes arranges the most surprising things for us unexpectedly. A few of them come to us in a natural order, yet, never fail to catch us off guard — even the most certain things become hard to swallow. Death is such a certainty that hurts to feel— the tormenting deep down the soul bursts into the agony of untold sufferings; everything begins to fade until the knee loses its strength to bear the weight and falls down the earth, allowing it to eat the body up gradually, but certainly.

Death— it’s not hard to imagine, but the arrangement is. Thinking about leaving the most loved person behind makes the heart ache, the eyes become full of saturated grief— the voice becomes still, and the soul that shared moments with the deceased yearns for more, a few more times in unification, to share the untold stories, to bid farewell for the last time, for eternity.

But it all ends with death. Our beloved becomes a subject of isolation, a thing to be deserted underneath the earth for all the creatures to devour and celebrate his fall. As the coffin starts marching with the band of the dear ones, the cloud overhead forms a barrier between the sun and the earth— blocking the last ray of light from reaching the deceased, seizing his right to enjoy the blissful sun— forcing him to embrace the darkness, anguishing his soul, piercing through the bones.

Death— the most certain thing in this universe makes us cry. But, isn’t certainty a thing to behold, adore, and celebrate? Watch the coffin drop to the ground, and you’ll know.

Photo by Hannah Troupe on Unsplash


-by @annabeth

I listen to royals, and 400 lux, and ribs,
and white teeth teens,
and I think, "where has all the time gone?"
Because in some ways, it feels like that girl never left.
In some ways, she's always in the mirror staring back at me.
And I wonder if she'd be heartbroken to know how much we've changed.

Would she put on a brave face for me?
Would she bury her head at night?
Cry on her torn-up pillowcase?
The least I can say is that I still listen to the songs that made all of the difficult days better.

I still think about her.
And no, things aren't turning out the way she wanted, but I still think about her.
And isn't that enough?

I guess no matter how much we grow, we'll never really change at all.
We'll never be as far apart as we wish we were.

I guess I just miss her painfully hopeful tears, and the strength she had that I wish was still mine.

But all I know is...
That girl never gave up on me. She kept living so that I could.
She walked until she got tired, but she kept going.
And she hid all of those midnight tears on her face just so we could be

I just wish I could tell her she didn't have to be as strong as she was,
But now, all I can do is quietly thank her.

And return the favour to the next girl.
I wish I could tell her that someday we will miss that horrible childhood, and that, no, it doesn't erase what we went through.

It sucked, and it was terrible, and it hurt,
But it's still okay to miss it.
I'd tell her, love as long as you can,
And soak it all in while you still have it.

Because one day, you'll write poetry trying to get it back.
And I knew, even then, that good
things in life couldn't last for us.

But god,
I sure wish they did.
I wish that feeling never went away.
And sometimes, I wish I never grew into the person I am today.
But I'll come back for a brief moment as I blow out the candles on the frosted cake.

It'll all come back to me for just a second until I look up and realize the girl in the mirror never left.
Until I realize that nostalgia is a candle that can never burn out.

No matter how badly we beg it to.


-by @tahminasayed

Far away, way up high,
Million stars crosses by,
Designing gestures, stops
My pathway to reach high.

High, far away, way up high,
Million stars applauses high.
Designing gestures sigh,
Mending ways to reach high.


Do not forget to join our next weekly hangout on at Friday 10 pm GMT +6


Such a beautiful bottleneck image 😍

 3 years ago  

Thank you thank you.


Without any hope or aim, what are we going to do in this world? Eat, sleep, and repeat?

Yes, mostly we all are in that loop during the pandemic. As shortly as someone realises the loop is not the right way of living, he could minimise the damage although the damage had already been done.

Death— the most certain thing in this universe

True Indeed! But I feel like death- the most certain thing in this universe but It comes to be the most uncertain thing in this universe when It goes to someone to take away his soul from the body (I meant the exact duration of it).

Whatever you do to generate income, keep that sustainable. It does not matter whether it is inside or outside of the hive

What ever stuff that we generate income from shouldn't be taken for granted but should be taken seriously for future purposes especially when saving or Investing to generate profits for future purposes.

Thank you for mentioning me in this post!

You are welcome. We are after gold-category posts but don't confuse us with gold-diggers. 😉

Your post matched our criteria for featurable and expect to be featured in the future if the quality sustains. Good job 👌

I am sensing a common theme this time; melancholia, perhaps.

From the editorial to every poem and essays, they show some sorts of subjective desolation. Probably the bear effect.

But there are messages to uncover that can see us through these trying times and help us get more rewards when it's time.

@annabeth it's a good start, keep it up kid (😬)

Thank you bhiya 😊

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 3 years ago  

@annabeth Damn kid, what a poem. You are growing up so fast :')))

Am I?
But I still feel like something is missing.

 3 years ago  

Yes you are. :')

If it's missing, then let it be for the time being. You will find it exactly when you are suppose to :')