I had an amazing read and there were a lot I wanted to relate back with because I could see a reflection of myself in your post but not the sleepless night, lol.
I sleep a lot and definitely more at night.
I appreciate the fact that you love the way you are and you really know who you are.
Embracing oneself is what I have had a hard time doing, I've lived in my own shadows regretting each action time and time again until I just had to keep on saying the blind truth to myself, that is accepting who I am.
I took to the thinking of what people thought about me which influenced me but today I know better and don't care about what one says or think they know about me.
Tucci also talks about Romans are not wealthy, so they always tried to make the best with the simplest and the left-over unwanted cuts of food and meat, and they didn’t just make a good food out of it, they made the best. Their food is like poetry! Isn’t that what we are supposed to do at hive?
Hive has helped me explore myself making me see people that are like me and even better than me and want me to be better daily.
Writing all these has made me forgotten about what some points I wanted making but I think this is sure enough.
About you sweetheart, that's life for you, the inevitability of life happens and surely it happens.
I'd implore you let your feelings out, I have no idea how marriage is done their as you mentioned, "the family had picked another boy for her." This is just more than enough to keep you worried but if she truly loves as much as you love and want to be with you, she would do her best to make sure she haves you but again I have no idea about how marriage is the south Asian part of the world.
I couldn't believe I read to the end even after saying sweet dreams, I was just intrigued.