Good Morning from these side to everyone present here!
I am extremely overwhelmed to get this opportunity to have my first post to you all on this elite platform.
My name is Aderinoye Olatunji E. I'd describe myself as a resourceful and purpose driven person at the same time and I hope I have made an absolutely secure decision to be a part of this platform.
As a Nigerian guy, I'm copywriter, music educationist and platform builder. I’m joining this platform for the first time. I love AI, sports, solving problems, sci-fi, alone time, blockchain, music, imagining new futures and figuring out how to build them. What you need to know about me: I'm a geek and an empath and super passionate about what I do. My core expertise is success principles and strategies, and my superpower is transforming confusion and self-doubt into clarity and confidence. Or unveiling the brilliance in people and infusing them with the bravery to let their strengths shine.
@lovesniper thank you for being yourself in so many ways and I look forward to spending quality time with you as I work on this platform!
I believe that we’re at the most exciting point right now and I’m grateful to be here with such an amazing group of folks as this.
I'm super-looking forward to:
✔️Discover new ideas and trends.
✔️Connect with existing and new audiences in deeper ways;
✔️Bring attention and traffic to my work;
✔️Build, craft and enhance my brand;
We all have assembled here today, today to motivate and socialise with each other. Cheers to a profitable relationship.
Thank you all for your patience reading.
Welcome to this platform I hope that you will have a great journey here.
Best of luck.