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RE: Hive: A Philosophical Journey

in BDCommunity5 years ago

I ended up reading your words via @tarazkp's recent post... and a lot of what you write here resonates.

In reading the comments here, English is also not my first language... which oddly seems to be a common thread among many of those whose words I really enjoy reading.

I often reflect on the fact that it seems that many of those who have steadily contributed to — and engaged with — the community for a long time rarely are "here for the money" as their primary objective.

I ended up here for more or less nostalgic reasons; I had a pretty successful and widely read blog called "Inner Reflections" from about 1999 to 2005, and I really loved the format of what we called social blogging back then. In January 2017, the venue that was then "early Steemit" seemed like an invitation to pick that up again... and 3 1/2 years later I feel like I am finally hitting my stride again, with something that's a mixture of personal anecdotes, essays, commentary on the human condition, and the like.

Anyway, Inner Reflections (which sadly vanished due to various CENTRALIZED mergers and acquisitions) was subtitled "Anecdotes from the Journey to Myself."

The journey continues. In large part, I am still here because of this ongoing assertion that "the blockchain keeps going." So it won't go the way of Inner Reflections. Maybe our grandkids will appreciate that. Yes, self-indulgent, I know...


Thank you for the visit. I am not a prolific writer, but not because of the ability, but because of time in my midlife. However, I try to compensate that by other ways. If there is any leadership in hive that exist, I believe they need more community involvement. I have nothing against people earning money. Just I except them to earn it decently, with effort, by putting in some hard work. Just like we do out in the real world. That's all.