Happiness is Relatable

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)


'Happiness is a term which is relatable'. I have heard of it many times in my life. Never thought about it deeply, actually never tried to do so.

A few days ago, an incident made me thought about it.

I am the only son of my parents, don't have any siblings. As usual my childhood was full of happiness, care, affection. Until a certain age I thought that I am the happiest child in the world. Indeed i was. After all having all those affection, care and love, I still missed something, still felt lack of something, lack of companion, lack of a friend, lack of a sibling.

When i went to school i heard many stories from my classmates, interesting stories, stories about their sister and brother. These stories made me feel sad. However days passed, I came in contact with internet, came in contact with social media, made some good friends, friends those exsisted only on internet. Still felt lonely except the siblings issue, I don't think that I have any lackings. However I don't feel sad anymore that I don't have a brother or sister. Just sometime it pinches me.

On the last summer vacation, I with my some friends planned to have a tour. So, i asked my dad and luckily he permitted me. The problem was not there infact everything was going good. The last day when we were planing to come back, a small boy came to us. He were asking for some money, he had no place to live, nothing to eat. All my friends felt disturbed and was calling out on him. I made a quick observation on the poor child. Young, unhealthy body. His bones were clearly visible had no shirt the only clothing he had was a pant which were torn in many places.

At the first sight I felt sorry for him, sorry for the behaviour my friends did with him. I left my friends right over there and started to spend some time with that boy.

Firstly we went to a restaurant fed him some food. I gave him some money. His father had died in an accident. He was also the only son in his family. Hearing upto this part it made a deep scar on my mind. He told me how he used to manage money for his family, fir his mother. Sometime child-labour, sometime begging sometime through pick-pocketting. I decided at that very moment that I have to do something for this kid. At least some meaning holding which they can live without misery.

Don't know whether it was a miracle or not but at that very moment it came to my mind that my uncle have a grocery shop in the locality which have lack of manpower. I contacted with my uncle and managed to get him a job. Gave him a new pair of clothes. From then he didn't need to beg or to pick-pocket for living. When i told him that i got a job for him the gray bluish water sparkles I saw in his eyes, I have never seen before.

The happiness I have seen on that boys face that day can't be expressed in words. I felt satisfied that day being able to help him.
Side by side the only misery in my life being alone was gone. From that point I really got the term HAPPINESS IS A RELATABLE