Never Judge a Book by its cover

in BDCommunity4 years ago

It takes time for many of us to learn this saying and stick to the meaning and while it takes others to see the hurt we have cursed others because we have refused to adhere to the meaning of the adage.

I remember one of those days, I was meeting up with my tailor to help me shape a dress which I would be needing urgently and while we began to chat, another tailor who was actually into the business newly came around to talk with my tailor about the cost of the machines in the market and how new models are been invented.

While they talked, I listened to them because I wasn't really into their tailoring terms and did not understand anything they were saying at all but while they talked, the new tailor was drawn to a new machine that was seated at the corner of my tailor's shop and was forced to ask her why she wasn't using the new machine and still bent on using the old machine that was rusted and looking dead.

My tailor was forced to tell her co-tailor how she also saw the machine and thought it would be good for work but ever since she bought the machine, she has spent so much money repairing the machine and she is tired. That was why the machine is always seen at the corner of the shop and not in use.

You know, I was astonished as well as why a beautiful and clean machine could not deliver the job it is expected of while an old looking and rusty machine deliver better than it and why I started at the machine, about to ask the question as to why such should be happening, I heard the woman say to me; 'My friend, the positive outcome or effectiveness of a machine isn't in the looks but the result, it can produce and in the work it can perform.

This brings me to why I am writing this article today. Many of us have so many times than we can count ended up buying something because of its outward appearances or looks without bothering to check the content of what it carries and have ended home going home to regret.

Maybe I should rephrase that, we have pushed countless people away because of their outward appearance and ended up being amazed after realizing what the person carries inside of them. Social media nowadays, talk about not judging and we learning to talk to people right which is indeed right but many have refused to change.

You discard a person or write them off because of the way they look and go after the other because he or she looks better than the first without even giving the person a chance to prove him or herself, be ready to take or accommodate whatever you see from the person you picked because you picked based on the look and not based on the content they carry.

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The content a man carries matters most, just only if we learn to stop looking at the appearance first and look at what the other person can give then we will realize our good most people are.

Many times, we have refused to buy a book because we feel the book will look boring because of how the cover looks, only for us to get the shocking of our lives when we realize that thousands of people are talking about the book and how good it is. Hey, not only books but also movies.

As the adage says, don't judge a book by its cover, get to know the person first, get to read the book, get to interact and you will be amazed at how intelligent that person is and how effective he or she can be of good to you. You will also be proud of yourself that you gave that person a chance to prove themselves and not throw them away because of their looks.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article.


Most people make the mistake of judging a book by its cover before seeing the content but the best books may also have the worst covers

Wow, this is true. They judge before taking a look and when they finally did, they regret their actions.
Thanks, dear for this.

Many people are guilty of judging a book by its cover,that books with beautiful cover does not always have beautiful contents...

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Wow, I love the way you put it, it shows you understand what I am trying to say. Although, I would still prefer to say that the book with a beautiful cover does not have enough rich content like the book without a beautiful cover. Just maybe the owner isn't rich enough to clothe it with the most expensive book cover like the owner of the beautiful content.

Thank you, dear friend, for your beautiful contribution.

That is another wonderful angle to look at it from @evegrace

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Yeah, Thank you, dear, I appreciate it.

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