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RE: The Years Keep Counting...

in BDCommunity11 months ago (edited)

It baffles me why good people really don't stay here longer because I can count great men who have passed away unexpectedly.

To comfort myself, I always said God wants them to enjoy more in his paradise but it hurts to see them go all of a sudden. I am touched as I read through the poem and I pray that his soul continues to rest in the right hand of the Lord.

This is a reminder to everyone, no one knows when the time will be. Now is the time to walk with Christ, accept him as your lord and savior because we don't know how long we have here.


It always hurt to see them go. God saved them from the corruption of this world. God called his army home to avoid the corruption of this world. It's painful but God knows better.

That's right, the world isn't getting any better and the end time prophecies are happening already. Baba Ijo is watching from above and one day, we will all reunite in love greater than what we shared in the world.

That's it. He is in a better place.. watching from Heaven. His job is done and it's left to us to make our own impact too.

God called His army home and that's very correct. That's a good way to see it and I love that. God's will will always trump ours. God knows what He is doing and why.

Very true and this is absolutely spot on, my brother. Indeed we don't know how long we have here and we should be more concerned about where we end up which determines how well we live in the NOW.

Very true...God wants them more than earth does.

Our work here determines our destination when we are done here. It's important we should right the things we choose to do while we are here.

We have a purpose and we have to live according to that purpose so we can influence the world around us too. Thank you, brother.

It is very sad when such people leave the world because they have worked very hard and made a name for themselves and these people also help the world a lot so it is a very good thing. He was a very famous person. I also read about him. So sad is the people who loved him.

Yes, I am glad you have read about him and known a bit about him too. That's one thing about people who live for others and Christ, we talk about them glowingly.

Yeah I totally agree with you.