Adjusting can be so hard and it takes a lot of mental strength. We need to do what we need to do and we need God for the journey too. A lot of things can look daunting but nothing having a strong mental strength couldn't deal with, with God beside too as always. God ahead...God behind...God before and God everywhere.
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Haha I love this. God everywhere. God is unending and we will always need him. Adjusting can be so hard but we need to prepare for it; physically, mentally and every way possible. God cannot be ruled out too.
We cannot rule God out. God knows how to always help us with every situation when we ask for His help. We need to do our part and God will always do His part.
God knows how. We have a part to play always. God is willing to help us and we have to be willing too. We will always need God.
Where if a person has spent 10-15 years of his life, it is not easy to go to a new place and settle down and as we all know that a person finds peace in a place where A person has spent a long time, that feeling and that peace, which a person can never find in another place, that's why one should try that where a person can find peace, a person should spend his life there.
Adjusting is always hard because you left the known for the unknown...and that's why having God makes the difference anywhere we find ourselves...whether in a known or unknown territories.
Yeah I totally agree with you.
The emphasis on God being all around us is really nice. In the end, having a strong mental health while backing it up with a supernatural force — God! Might be just what we need to successfully scale through this journey called life.
God will always send the rain but we have to prepare our field. God is willing to help us, but we need to do our part.