'96' Movie review.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Movie name:'96'
Genre :Romance, Drama
Cast:Vijay sethupathi,Trisha and many more
Director :C. Prem kumar.
Release :2018
Personal rating:9.2
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We all have a few steps in our life and after passing these steps we move forward slowly. Just as life is different from 10 years ago today, we have no regrets about going back to that time. Remember the school days a few years ago today? Finding excuses for not doing homework or spending a few more hours with a friend after class may not even know how far we have come from that life today!

There are very few people who haven’t had love in school life, and that is the first love? The passion of the first love is different, it is very uncertain to find out the reason for his heart pounding and it is not right to say anything about the childhood friendship because at some point you may realize that selfless relationships are long gone. Can anyone forget the friendship of childhood or the first love left behind in school life? This is how the story of this movie is arranged.At first it seems very conventional or a story of life in predictable way, but in the last scene of the film, your eyes will surely shed tears!

Spoiler Alert

The beginning of the movie '96' is the reminiscence of the first love of childhood or the failed attempt to go back at least once in the life of childhood; However, at the end of the day, some memories may be more beautiful than real! This movie is a beautiful example of an impossibly beautiful love, due to a misconception that even if two people fall in love easily, at the end of the day, this movie will be a shining example of someone who has to lose his way.As I said before, this is a romantic movie, but like other romantic movies, you will not find any kissing scene or 18+ things at all and maybe this movie is successful here because love is not based on physical needs or being with two people but in the right corner of the mind. You may be hiding, you may not have the courage to speak in public, but in your heart you want the person to be happy in life even if this person is not yours.

I don't want to give too many spoilers. I'm sure it won't wasted your time and it will be worth watching. And yes, watching this movie, maybe the first love of your life can peek into your mind.


Search for romantic drama movie
Indian films seem to excel very much in this respect
Do you have other nominations for me?

 4 years ago (edited) 



You've been plagiarizing posts written by other people in Bangla on facebook groups. Your forest gump article, you stole it and translated it as well.

There are several things we can go about this now —

  1. I will mute you from cinetv.
  2. You'll be reported to Hivewatchers and the will handle your case.

Before that, I'd like to hear from you. What do you have to say in your defense?

I'm apologised for what i'm doing. I promised it won’t' happen next time

@notacinephile ভাই মুভিটা আমার অনেক ভালো লেগেছিলো তাই ধারনা নেয়ার অই গ্রুপের রিভিউতে ঢুকি কিন্তু পরে কপি পেষ্ট করে দেই। আমি আমার এই আচরনের জন্য অনেক লজ্জিত এমন ভুল আর ভবিষ্যতে হবে না। আমি একটা শেষ সুযোগ চাচ্ছি।

 4 years ago (edited) 

আর একদম শেষ পোস্টে কী হয়েছিলো? যেখানে শহরের ছবির সাথে ইন্সটাগ্রামের ক্যাপশন দেয়ার ওয়েবসাইট থেকে লেখা কপি করা? ওক্ষেত্রেও কী লেখা এতই ভালো লেগেছে যে কপি পেস্ট না করে পারা যায়নি?

ভাইয়্যা আমি অনেক দুঃখিত আমি বুজতে পারিনি এতোটা। আমায় শেষ একটা সুযোগ দেন দয়া করে।