
in BDCommunity3 years ago


Notice the flower. See how beautifully it decorates itself. But it does not have any kind of pigment to increase its color. It has no hands or combs to keep the petals of the flower neat. It has no money to feed itself.
On the other hand, you notice the richest person in the world at the present time. Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, despite their billions of dollars, could not decorate their beauty like that penniless flower. What is the reason? Who decorated the flower? There must be someone behind it. The poor can decorate an inanimate tree trunk in an unimaginable way.
She can definitely give me something better than flowers.

We are not loving the one we need to love. We are not flattering the one we need to flatter. We do not obey those who need to be obeyed. We do not seek help from anyone who needs help. We want our needs from him that he can't meet his own needs. We tell our problems to him that he is suffering from problems.

We have to change this tendency. We have to focus all our attention on the great being who is above all kinds of greed. Who has no problem of his own. That itself is not dependent on anyone. We must love the great God in whose hands all power is stored. At all times we should try to please that great God.
But sadly we are all busy with ourselves. Those who have jobs are busy, those who do not have jobs are more busy. There is no purpose to their engagement. Goals are random. They do not know where their destination? We say, money is the second God. And we are busy with this second God. We have forgotten the first God.

We have become accustomed to dull, unhappy, tasteless, ordinary and conventional life. We are pushing our future towards a nebulous environment. We are buying mundane life instead of a heavenly life.We have thrown God out of our lives and minds. But we are again the benefactors of God's mercy. For now, it's ridiculous. How can I remember someone who doesn't remember me? Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.
So I am expressing all my love in the name of God for the newly passed Valentine's Day.