A man of passion is a man that can never be exhausted. He is never weary. I, personally, knew that I had a call into the Ministry. I had options to
do other things and achieve other dreams;, but this
passion inside of me would not let me think ot
anything else. My passion was in the Ministry.I remember what my father would say, "Look,
my son, I am a senior lecturer in the University of
Calabar, there is no re ason why you shouldn't
study; l need you to be this and that.." He had all
those beautiful dreams lined up for me; but l never had passion for any of those things.
A man who lacks passion struggles to make a simple thing come through; but a man of passion faces an impossible task and brings it to fruition.
A man of passion is a man of hope. He is a man who takes risks; a man who faces challenges and does not accept "No for an answer; a man who is hard working and aims at bringing his dreams to fruition.
When JESUS walked the streets of Galilee, His life was the fulfillment of
prophecies. He lived to do the will of His Father: ".. my meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work" (John 4:34). He didn't
need to be compelled to do God's will; He willingly submitted Himself to it (Hebrews 10:8-9). The pertect life of Christ while on earth exemplifies how God wants us to live.
To walk in the footsteps of JESUS, you must have passion for the mission.
Everybody in lite has one sort of passion or the other. It could be for kingdom
purposes, or it could be worldly affairs. To live and achieve the God kind of life, you must be passionate
about His Word and life.
It is only through passion that you can fuel your dreams. Your dreams can only manifest, take roots in the fueling of passion. It is the only engine that
could cause what you are believing God for to come fruition.
JESUS, at the mere age of 12, was found discussing intelligently with the people in the synagogue. He was not uncomfortable or embarrassed; rather, He asked them questions,
speaking eloquently. He could have returned with
His parents, but He chose to follow His passion-which was to do the biding of His heavenly Father.
The Bible says in Ephesians 1:10, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we
should walk in them. What other confirmation do
you need? You are God's best. He has deposited in you treasures which only you can unmask. May those treasures be revealed through your passion.
May that passion enable you discover your worth,
and God's purpose for your lite! May your passion help you to walk in the consciousness of who you
are in Christ! For the lines are fallen unto you In pleasant places, and you have a goodly heritage.
Thanks for reading and warm regards.
Praise the Lord!