Adobe Illustrator 2020 Free!! with full installatiion processes.

in BDCommunity4 years ago


Rule 1:

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This is download link :

Rule 2:

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After visiting this link, you will get this website. Scroll down.

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After scrolling down you will get this count down.
Wait for finishing this count down.

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Rule 3:

Then click to the "I'm not robot" and complete the puzzle.

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After finishing puzzle, click to the "Create Download Link".

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Then you will get this page. Scroll Down

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Click to the "Click Here to DOwnload"

Download will be started.

Rule 4:

After completing download, you will get zip file. You have extract that file. If it wants password, then password is 123

Rule 5:

You have to read this instractions.

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Rule 6

Go to the Adobe Illustrator.
And click to the "Set-up.exe"
THen "Continue"

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