Hey, I am Bangladeshi. I am Isteak Anower. I am new in hive. Follow me please. I will follow u. And follow my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/istlocker/
Rule 1:
This is download link : https://www.uploadship.com/b4921255c57b471b
Rule 2:
After visiting this link, you will get this website. Scroll down.
After scrolling down you will get this count down.
Wait for finishing this count down.
Rule 3:
Then click to the "I'm not robot" and complete the puzzle.
After finishing puzzle, click to the "Create Download Link".
Then you will get this page. Scroll Down
Click to the "Click Here to DOwnload"
Download will be started.
Rule 4:
After completing download, you will get zip file. You have extract that file. If it wants password, then password is 123
Rule 5:
You have to read this instractions.
Rule 6
Go to the Adobe Illustrator.
And click to the "Set-up.exe"
THen "Continue"
If you fill any problem, message me on Instagram.