Movie না Virus ডাউনলোড দিচছেন?

in BDCommunity4 years ago


Hello Man!
I am Istiak Anwar. Hope that you all are well.
Today, I am here to tell you how to download any files

  • Movies
  • Softwares
  • Photos
  • Visit any website
without any tension about Virus.

Virus is every where, in our real life (Corona Virus) and in our technology life. You have to aware about your real life virus. But from now, you don't have to take tension about malware or technology life virus.

VirusTotal is a website where you can scan a website's url, files, downloaded files. From this you will be asured that there is no virus in those website and files. It is totally free website. I use daily this website.

Visit VirusTotal:

After going there you will find this page.



1. Scan a Link

Suppose you want to visit a website but you have doubt on that website. You can copy that website's link and paste in the URL box.
And press "Enter" from keyboard.


If you get Green Sign, then It's mean that that link is safe. There is no virus.


2. File Scan

Go to the FILE option. And click on "Choose File".


Double click on the file which you want to scan. Here I want to scan Avro Keyboard as an example.

Screenshot 2020-10-26 160745.jpg

If your file is big then it will take some minutes. Just wait a little bit. And if you get this then your file is safe. Don't worry. But if there is yellow or red then it's mean there is virus.

Screenshot 2020-10-26 160927.jpg


3. Search

It is same as URL.

Hope that it will help you.
Thanks for reading this post. Hope that it will help you. If you face any problem then comment below. If it help you then comment bellow. It will help me to write many posts like this. Thanks.
