There is no mother but loves her child. Do you know who is the most unlucky person in the world? Yes, who has no mother, he is the most unlucky person in the world. She is the most regarded person in the world. She is also the most sacrificing person in the world. She leaves anything for her child. She gives up the most important thing from her life for her child. She knows when need to be a lover and when need to be a angrier. She knows that when her child is hunger. When her child have been illed then she broken down. She forgets consumings. She forgets to sleep. She hospitals her child and she thinks that it is on the top of everything.
My mom always with me. She supports me in all the good works. If I do a wrong then she teaches me. She is a big teacher for me. The child first try to say by their mom. Thus he can speak politely. Otherwise he can't speak politely. She is a shelter for me. She knows that whiche is good for me and whiche is effective for me. She always choose the best for me. She is very careful for me.
Only she can make her child to be a perfect man. When I see the face of my mom I forget the whole pain. But the most wonder matter is when the child become a man then he forgets his mom but mom never forget her child. She always loves her child. I love my mom a lot. I pray to God that all the mom in the world become very happy and safe. Happy Mother's Day
SourceHere is your Proof of Brian. I think you meant #ProofOfBrain
Mother is very special to children
I love my mom more