To Mr. Editor, Artist & Wordsmith.
A thought suddenly came to my mind after reading those short stories. What about giving a challenge to all the users of BDcommunity? Writing a six-liner Or maybe shorter than that. It can be based on a particular topic or a photo or just like Elsa.
Another thing, State-based clubs are making these transfer markets crazier than ever. They are ruining football.@mahirabdullah Yes, the transfer market is a crazy world. What about the running transfer window? Will we ever see again something like that?
@shajj Is it a real-life story? I think it is. Mr. Harun is just a disguise in my opinion. 😃 Btw I'm glad Mr. Harun got to know the real face of his friends.
@hush-button 'বিস্মরণ'নতুন কিছু জানলাম ভাই , ধন্যবাদ ।
স্কুলের ইংরেজির রেজাল্টে ফার্স্ট হওয়া স্টুডেন্ট এর এমন পরিণতি ঠিক যেন আমাদের সমাজের বাস্তব প্রতিচ্ছবি । আপনার আগের লেখাগুলোর চেয়ে এটা বেশ ভালো হয়েছে ।@nusuranur শুরুতেই স্বাগতম ।
অনুপের আশঙ্কা যাতে সত্যি না হয় ।@tajimkhan আপনাকেও স্বাগতম ।
The challenge you mentioned above seems interesting, I think they will decide what to be done. But after reading that piece I am totally sure that I will be nowhere close to writing anything like that. Thousands of miles away 😛
I think you can try ;)
try! yeah that we all can do..😇
It certainly is a crazy part of football. But I don't think we will ever see this kinda drama in near future.
And you are right about the "ruining football" part. I agree with you. It's quite painful to see absolute dominance of these clubs & money flashing which are gradually decreasing the beauty of football
Apart from this, Ben White sold for 50 mil bucks. State-based club and English media, they both should share the blame.
Vaia, it's not a true story . But if you look around you. Then there will be no shortage of such stories.
হ্যা,এটাই আমাদের আজকালকার সমাজের বাস্তব চিত্র, যা আমাদের সামনেই ঘটে সবসময়।খুব খুশি হলাম আপনার ভালো লাগার কথা শুনে।
আরেকটা কথা, আপনি আপনার আগের গল্পের শুরুতে হেলোও লিখেন । ওইটা কি হেলোও হবে নাকি হ্যালো ?
I don't know why i'm doing this mistake again and again.But why you commenting this here? This is not that post where i have mistaken. :(
By the way,Thank you so much for your concern. :) :) :)