Personal development: Trust the process

in BDCommunity2 years ago

They will always be bad days in one's life but just like the good days; it is not forever. They are days when the going gets tougher, and one might be forced into thinking of letting go, but if I have learnt something, it is that when it becomes tougher, toughen up and watch how things become better. This is not just a mere motivation or inspiration but what I have witnessed so many times.

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Nothing good comes easy; everyone would get it if it were that easy. So when you want to be better, always remember when you started because they are days when you question what you are doing. Remembering why you started gives you an extra drive to want to see it to an end. Sometimes, the road will become blurry or even so rough that you might want to turn back and remind yourself why you started and how far you have come.

I remember years ago when I was uncomfortable with my body due to how big and fat I had become; I always wanted to slim down, even if it was a bit. I tried a lot of herbs and mixtures and bought lots of slimming teas, but none worked as I was not consistent, and I didn't even believe in them in the first place. This made me realize that if you want to achieve something, you must work while trusting the process.

It is not enough to want something to happen. Believe and Trust in yourself that you can make it happen; I feel this is the only true of enacting a change or reaching your goal. Once you start doubting what you are doing, you start getting fed up with the whole process, and you might just likely abandon the whole process just like that. You will also come across many people; some will encourage you, while others will discourage you. The best you can do is turn off the noise from the negative-minded people and take the positives.

To buttress this point, when I finally achieved my aim of losing weight, I didn't get it done alone. I did it in the company of others and a trainer who believed that I could lose weight and become fitter than I was. So this company of people encouraged me when I was tired and was there to motivate me when I became tired and I wanna give up. So we need someone to also give us that push in situations when our will is weak.