My child is dying,
I need to surf the internet of how my team was defeated
Those are the kind of things we can't really change. We don't have total control of what has happened in these kind of situations. They are just at our circle of concern and what makes it worse is the fact that most of us dwell and invest our time on these things we can't really change.
This has become the reason why the past keeps hunting us down because we choose to think back on the things that cannot be change instead on focusing on things we can actually change or influence in our present life that will become highly effective tomorrow.
Our circle of influence is that place where we can have total control over any situation. The result of the situation is highly dependent on us and our will. But many of us have rather exchange the circle of concern with the circle of influence, how?
Have you in any way stop a particular project because you feel you can't do anything about it anymore because of its daunting tasks? And have you ever thought deeply on how to resurrect a love one back to life? These are just shallow examples of how we transfer our energy to things we can't change and affirm negligence on things we can actually change.
In making that circle of influence big enough to choke your circle of concern, you have to become proactive.
A proactive person who responsibilty of their actions and thoughts. They are really focus on what exactly can be done next rather than dwelling on things that have alrdey be done. This is the only way you can make that circle of concern small enough.
When you become a problem solver, you don't really notice your circle of concern anymore because you tend to always look toward the future.
Also, you need to channel your time to things that really matter. You won't change Messi legs to score another goal, you won't raise the stock market back to life, the dip in cryptocurrency cannot be changed by you. You can only be an enthusiast, but don't do it at the expense of important task that needs your agility and optimistism.
Most time, most tasks in our circle of influence is inevitable and has a greater consequence if not done. Again, you can as well measure the level of consequences of things if not done, with this, you will be able to prioritize your tasks well and avoid too many things in your circle of concern.