Sort: Shelter Cove

This is the Town of Shelter Cove. It can be straight from some Hitchcock movie or a Stephen King book. It’s secluded. Can be accessed only by a narrow, extremely steep, 20 mile long road that takes at least 40-50 min to drive (and I am a fairly skilled driver on such roads). When you finally climb out to the highway 101 yours arms are soar doing the steering!! I am not exaggerating!

This single road often has landslides and even snowed on closures during winter. Then the town can get completely cut off from civilization!

There is a public airport for private small airplanes and probably the easiest way to access it, but the approach is scary and has terrible cross winds. So again requires major skills to land a Cessna there!


This photo of the Shelter Cove airport is from the internet and also the place I waited with my kids for 5 days for my wife to return :)

It’s a beautiful town, but can be covered in fog all the time and you always have a feeling that strange things can happen here!

Due to its difficult access it was frequented by Mexican drug cartels as they will fly in their shipment here :) true story. It’s mostly stopped now.

Holy smoke that does look like some mysterious strange place! It also looks awesome although the drive you mention is the kind that gives me the heebies. There are a couple of stretches of roads near mountainous lochs up our way that just wind round and round and are only wide enough for one car at the dogy bits and I know what you mean by your arms being sore hauling at the wheel for a prolonged period of time!

Them cartel members, always getting in early!