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RE: The Weekly Turni-Issue 55

in BDCommunity3 years ago

So many skills are before us to acquire, it's on us to keep trying one after another and pick a suitable one and master that.

লজ্জাবতী গাছ।🥰
এখন দেখা পাওয়া যায়না, ছোটবেলায় হাটার সময় এগুলোকে ছুয়ে দিতাম আর অবাক দৃষ্টিতে এদের সংকুচিত হয়ে যাওয়া দেখতাম।

@whileatlitshire This is the 4th time I am listening to your one. First when you shared on the server was just amazing but why do you act like this is bad, it's not at all. @sarashew you too should recite your one, that will surely be stunning.

A Motivational Seminar

I have also attended too many seminars at my admission time. While hearing them everyone used to get highly motivated about studies and life but later most of these fade away. Some do strike hard, stay in our mind for life long. I too have some such speeches that touched my heart and still I cherish those words. @toushik bro,

@tahminasayed this one sounds pretty interesting. Waiting for the next one...

 3 years ago (edited) 

Nah.. I am not that talented like my bro.. I will stick with writing, people will throw rocks at me if I try to recite XD

Who said you are not talented?

 3 years ago  

Me? XD

That "me" is lying. 😅

Yes that me is definitely lying, you idiot!!

I have inferiority complex. Makes me think I'm always lacking from the rest. 😅 I try to not let it bother me much tho!
You listened to this little thing four times?! Now that is high praise!! Thank you, truly!