I was happy a few days ago when I saw that we were having power supply; everyone was so happy because it's been some months now that we haven't had anything called power; it's total darkness. Everyone was happy and dancing, rejoicing that we were now having lights; some people started pumping water and the likes.
In my head, I was like, this is the best time to go back to my airdrops and everything I love to do online; honestly, I was happy. One of the reasons I'm not doing well is because of power outages. Well, I have to tell you today that the power supply only lasted for just 24 hours before they stole the cable again. That was exactly what happened the first time too. Only God knows when we will be having power again.
During the day we had power last, I was able to play some games, and here is one of the games I played.
The rules given are standard rules. And 33 mana cap was given to me. All six elements were also present.
I chose Thaddius summoner for my battle, and before that I had already increased the level of all my cards to levels 8 and 5, respectively.
I moved forward to select my first card, which is Cursed Windeku, a level 8 card with three abilities. Thorn's ability, when hit with a melee card, will do 2 damage back to the card that hits it. Heal ability: this will restore a third of max health back to itself. And lastly, slow ability will reduce the speed of all the enemy units by 1.
I also select revealer; this is another level 5 card. And this is with two abilities. Stun ability: When a unit with stun ability hits a target, there is a 50 percent chance that it will skip the next turn. Immunity ability: This unit is immune to negative status effects.
I also select Venari Bonesmith, another level 5 card, which has two abilities: life leech units health increases each time it damages an enemy unit by half. Poison ability. Attacks have a 50 percent chance to apply poison to an opponent, and this will deal automatic damage to the opponent when applied.
I also select Zenith Archer; this is a range card that can attack from a far distance, although it doesn't have any abilities.
I moved ahead to select the Dhampr Stalker, which is also a range card but has the ability called True Strike. This unit does not miss a strike.
Lastly, I selected life saver. This is a magic card with a life leech ability; unit health increases anytime it does damage to an opponent.
We both chose the same summoner, but I was able to overpower him because of the level of my card; he selected just a level one card. The battle only lasted for 3 rounds, and I won. The level I increased gave me more abilities to defeat my opponent. You can check the battle link below.
Nigeria doesn't sound like a real place sometimes. Damn
Is the government not aware that this is happening? I'm honestly very confused when you guys talk about it. Do you guys not pay for electricity?
Brother, where are you finding this money to level cards up? Please show me way😭
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice