I believe the most confusing time of anyone’s life is the moment they lose focus and focus is one of the easiest things to lose. It doesn’t matter how grounded you are as a person, there is a high chance you lose track of what’s really important once in a while.
Life happens and keeps happening and it is not something we can control. You might lose a job or a loved one; you might find yourself in a difficult situation you never imagined, these are the times when life takes you off balance.
It is quite easy to lose your drive when you lose focus. There is nothing to channel all that energy into and often it is more draining than fulfilling--even the activities that once brought you great pleasure.
There is a constant struggle for our minds. This is where most of the battle happens and if we could win those battles everything we would be in a better situation financially, emotionally, etc
How do you win the battle of your mind? If you’ve found yourself in a difficult situation like I have been these past few weeks, then it is time to reevaluate your position and purpose. We need to constantly remind ourselves why we do what we do.
It might sound trivial but it is quite easy to go off track. IF i asked you today the reason for your daily actions and how those align with your long-term plans, chances are that you would not be able to articulate your thoughts probably and that in itself shows a lack of clarity.
Most times we tend to grossly underestimate how much of our situation changes overall and how much we need to adjust. We keep doing the same thing expecting the same or better result.
For example, maybe your goal for the next 6 months is to grow your business by 10%. You’ve mapped out your plans and strategy to achieve this goal. Now you achieve your goal in 2months, great! But what do you do with the remaining 4months?
Most people would continue doing the same things without reevaluating their position. Maybe to achieve your 10% goal you had to make sacrifices that are no longer necessary? Maybe rather than growing you need to consolidate on your current success. You will never know this until you reevaluate your position.
So you can see how easy it is to lose focus? I think most of us are in a position where we do not know what to do next so we keep repeating the same thing because it works (now). The danger of this is that we tend not to notice when change is needed and we lose our ground.
Why do we get back on track?
Well, I believe resting is fundamental to the process of retracing our steps back to our goals. It is often difficult to find clarity while we are stressed. So take some time off, get back into your rhythm.
The second step would be knowing where you are and where you want to be. The simplest way to achieve this is by asking yourself questions.
The third and final step is getting back on your grind. Once you identify what needs to be done to either move ahead or consolidate, the next step is to push.
These steps might seem overly simplified and rightly so. I like to keep things simple. It is rather better to have a simple and actionable plan than being bogged down by detail and do nothing.
So I hope you found this article useful. If so kindly reblog. Also, if you've been in a situation where you lack focus, please kindly share how you got over that stage in your life. Your experience might be useful to me and other people reading this post. Thank you.