in BDCommunity3 years ago


I was surfing the internet this evening in search of inspiration for my next post and I came across this beautiful quote which jogged my memory, and I recalled a recent conversation I had with someone close to me.

“There is a poverty in wealth, and a wealth in poverty.”


My conversation with this person bordered around finances, and we spoke about the future and possibly life commitments. She mentioned that she wasn’t ready for any major leap because of her finances.

I tried to inquire what ‘having enough’ meant to her but it was hard to articulate and I understood. All she understood at that point was that she did not have enough. This is where the Mooji quote applies.

If I ask what it would take to make you happy or feel fulfilled, chances are that you will reach the depths of your mind and fetch the most unrealistic dream. I call them dreams and not goals because they are not only far fetched but unrealistic.

For instance, if you asked me how much I needed to be happy I would probably say a million dollars. But to be frank I don't even need a quarter of that to live the life I want. A million dollars seems enough from where I stand currently but once I hit that mark be assured that my threshold will double.

When I think about where I am financially I do not sense lack. There is nothing I need right now that I cannot get (food, shelter, etc). I have all the basic things to actually exist as a functional human being. Every other thing added to that is a plus and I am extremely grateful for having enough, to even consider other people. That for me is a luxury.

Most people associate luxury with extravagance or having more than enough. But the reality is that ‘enough’ is actually all you need.

When you are in a constant state of lack and want you lose the ability to be grateful, which is an important state of mind to attain in order to attract more.

I spend most of my time whenever I am not working or writing to introspect and find things to be grateful for. That puts me in the right frame of mind and makes every other challenge I am encountering trivial.

I am grateful for the fact that I have a platform that I can connect with people; I am grateful that I can take care of my family and still do things for myself; I am grateful I have a partner I can build with. I honestly feel like the luckiest man on the planet.

Being grateful and content doesn’t mean I do not aspire to be better, no. It simply means I appreciate what I have and take every opportunity as a blessing, which in turn impacts my attitude towards things and people.

I know people who do not have half of what I do and that is not stopping them from doing whatever it is that makes their lives fuller and richer and that is a challenge for me. I will not defer my happiness because of unrealistic societal pressure and demand. I will never fall into that trap.

I have all that I need and the universe keeps blessing me with more. Despite my many challenges I still feel fortunate. Not everyone has the luxury to be challenged in the same way and if I do overcome these setbacks I move towards greater heights. What more could I want out of life?


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