Some solid tips there, editor. I like to think I produce quality content but I have been slacking off and I plan to pick up my pace once again. Two posts a day is really really hard, doing my day job but 1.5 posts on average are possible I think.
Although I do not think capitalism is inherently obnoxious, I liked @artistparthoroy
's drawing and his way of expressing.
@rehan12 I think we hardly have any say when we choose our career. Our parents pick it for us when they set out those targets. If we fail, they even pick the secondary options!
As for relationships, I concur! Monogamy is the way to go!
Wouldn’t that be something fun bro:p But its not fun now is it?🤣 monogamy is hereditary but the rest is more attractive..or else professional sleuths wouldve been financially poor beyond imagination:pp
True, since that is what we except seeing it prevailing all around us.
But from an evolutionary stand point, polygamy is natural. You know, to spread the genes far and wide.
What people are doing now is to mess around. It only makes things hard for themselves. I'm pretty sure they aren't doing it to save the species! We kinda need culling, not saving. :P
Anyway, polygamy is on the rise for all the wrong reasons (were there ever any right reason? I don't know. I guess I'm pretty much like a conservative here.) So, hailing monogamy ain't all too bad, don't you think? :D
thanks bro
There may be differences of opinion.
I applaud your dissent.
Dissent always shows the possibility of something new.😊
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