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RE: The Weekly Turni - Issue 46

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

Fly fishing seems like a zolly concept, thanks for introducing me to it. I would love to try it out. I hope someday @zayedsakib will take me with him to do just that! :D

Have fun, dear editor!

@deepu7 If you're on hugging terms with your father, I would say you're quite lucky. I'm sure aware that it is rather awkward and we cannot express our love towards our parents in this culture. We have to express them in deeds, passively. Such a shame.

@surrealfia Opinionated people are humans too! Don't push them! okay?!

bad people getting what they deserve. In reality, they remain beyond any reproach.@toushik I don't think Karma works. There is no causality. Nature doesn't care, neither it wants to take revenge. If it was the case, we'd see so many

@zayedsakib I like that song too. Although have no memories attached to it. I have similar thoughts regarding "veshe zay adorer nouko" though.

@artistparthoroy Cool work, as usual! I really like such ponds surrounded by woods. Ideal reading places as well!

 4 years ago  

What you mentioned it’s true and related to our culture. We can’t avoid sometimes.
However, well written bro. Specially believed words..

আকাশে এক ফালি চিকন চাঁদ দেখা যায়। ওর কিরণে ধরণীর তিমির মোটেও দূরীভূত হচ্ছে না, কিন্তু চাঁদখানা দেখে ভালো লাগছে।

 4 years ago (edited) 

আমি কিছু ল্যান্ডস্কেপ আনুশীলন করার চেষ্টা করছি।আমি যে ফটোগ্রাফ দেখে কাজটা করি সেখানে পুকুর ছিল না।কিন্তু আমার মনে হইল এখানে পদ্দপুকুর সাথে মৎসকন্যা হলে ভালোই হয়।তাই বসিয়ে দিলাম।যদিও কম্পোজিশন এর কারনে মারমেড টা বাদ দেই।

আপনার প্রশংসার জন্য ধন্যাবাদ ভাই।