The ability of the author to portray the internal turmoil was the main reason behind this profound admiration of this book. How grief, with guilt and disgust, shaped the fate of everyone involved, how intense forbidden desire seems to numb the mind, how a single action in the heat of a moment could snatch the treasured tranquillity and in an instant, how the long waiting longing become venomous poison. All of these could be found in a tangled mess of selfishness and cowardliness. Sometimes it makes you laugh at the character's stupidity, and sometimes it sends shocking waves of reality.
@sarashew That is the essence of the book, and I'm really glad it was not lost on you. It was always like this for me—stories aren't that important, what is important how they are told. It is true in literature, it is true in cinema.
@fahmidamou মনি মাঝিরে নৌকা লইয়া বাইর হইয়া যাইতে হবে। হেমিংওয়ের ওল্ড ম্যান অ্যান্ড দ্য সি'র মতো।
হেহেহে! সিত্ত কি মনে করাইলা!
এইতার থেকে ইন্সপিরেশন নিয়ে, এজন্য ট্রলার লইয়্যা, সাগর পাড়ি দিয়া নারকেল জিঞ্জিরায় যাবার প্রস্তাব দিয়ে বেড়াই সুযোগ পেলেই! যাইবা নাকি লগে! 😂
I can't swim, Im sure you know that.
As I said before, in sea it doesn’t matter even if you are micheal phelps!
I hope you do know It's easier to swim in the sea than in ponds or rivers.
I knoww mum, the execution of events of that book is just so satisfying to watch, it was like watching a scattered puzzles being putting into places with flawless effort. :'))
Thank you for giving me that book, it was in my top favorites books list now. :'))
Indeed indeed!
I find it mesmerizing to see that we see tales or adultery and murder because of adultery everyday. The newspapers are full of them. We don't feel about them greatly. Yet this particular tale takes us through hell and back. That's the power of storytelling.