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RE: Homonyms - Let The Words Flow [Week #12]

in BDCommunity3 years ago

I don't consider torture porn as film. So A serbian film isn't goint to be counted.
Hemingway blabbered around through the entire book, nothing really happens, and the book is too american, championing that era, and the language is so shitty even a schoolboy can write it.
The physical version as well as any version. There are many reasons why I hate it, but the primary one would be it is a form of distraction, the national opium to keep the people subjugated and oppressed while the rule of autocracy continues.

 3 years ago  

That movie was, I don't even know what to say, the acting was just too bad and weird XD It was an experience, I will say that.

Alright, good to know, then I will stay a thousands mile away from that book. And an interesting take away on cricket, very few hold that opinion, but I did manage to meet some of them.

It was something that never should have been made. It's garbage in every single way. If you want something that is disturbing but artistic, try Salo: or 120 days of sodom.

Now, Hemingway is popular mind you, his Old Man and the Sea is a very known book. I liked that one.

Well, I guess I am one of them. :P

 3 years ago  

Okayyy.. when started that Salo trailer, I didn't expect to see people eating literal shit :3 that's disgusting -_- Nope, I will pass. Anything related eating shits is too much for my weird mind :3