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RE: The Weekly Turni-Issue 68

in BDCommunity3 years ago

I agree that a sudden declaration from govt would be brutal for LGBTQ+ people as the general public is quite hostile towards them. This is why activism is needed first to sway public opinion. "Why" is an integral part of that. Crimes come later, crimes do not have a cause and effect relationship with passing a bill. It has to do with individuals.

Acceptance of LGBTQ+ is a political issue, not a criminal one. I don't see how criminology can assess something that is far a broader topic and not a case-by-case one. (Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought criminology assess the did after it is done and it is not a preemptive field to strike the criminals before they commit a crime.) Each crime is case by case, and cannot be generalized. Otherwise, we could easily blame a nation or a religion for all the crimes its members commit. I'm fairly sure you wouldn't agree in that case. Hate crimes, honor killings derived from hatred of LGBTQ+ should also be taken case-by-case and without blaming the entire nation and religion. I do not like Bangladeshi society and am quite cynical about it, even then I don't think it's all that rotten. Insisting it's all bad is a bit sentimental resentment I'd say.

Just like the civil rights movement, feminism, and other socio-political movements that changed the world how we sit bit by bit, the acceptance of LGBTQ+ is a political one. It's imperative we research and understand the importance of political activism that went through in those cases to see how it impacted those causes.

 3 years ago (edited) 

I was not talking about crimes TBH, i was talking about victimization. Social sciences rotate and mostly are common to every discipline in that faculty. And victimization not always result in tangible crimes. i am more focused on the after math tbh.

Crime is not case by case TBH. thats how law treats them but while understanding motif most crimes can be generalized. what you mean is each criminals are diffrent. Crime, in its whole, really isnt. again, victimization, Hate crime, these topics arent bound to just crimes. As criminologists, we try to explain crimes with it, but they talk about both broader and smaller aspects too.

and for the activism, well, ill refrain from commenting:3 i am highly biased and so i am not a better judge of its political dynamics.