I learned to climb trees when I was only five. I can't explain what a joy it is to learn to climb on a tree as a new one. I stopped eating and drinking and started spending the whole day in the tree. Next to our house was a huge mango-jackfruit orchard. I used to play here all day. I had only two friends named Qad'er Box and Rafik Mollah. If the three of them were together, we would start teasing one another.
One day I was swinging on the top of a mango tree. I had sweet and juicy mango in my hand. I am eating mango and swinging. Suddenly the wind hit me so hard that I fell straight from the tree to the ground. The pain was not felt as I fell unconscious before falling to the ground. But since that day I have felt a kind of fear. From then, I stopped climbing the tree.
'Hide and seek' was one of the favourite games we had played. If it's my turn to play hide and seek, give it a try. If I fail, I will not go back again. And direct went straight home. My friends were waiting for me, at one point they would get annoyed and start looking for me. In retaliation, everyone ran away without giving batting me in cricket. That's Tit for tat.
Every week, my uncle used to bring a big bicycle. I got that bicycle and ran silently. That was a big bicycle. Taller than me. I used to try to ride a bicycle with my feet in the middle of the frame. I don't know how many times I have fallen down from the bicycle. Once I along with bicycle fallen down in the big drain. On that day, of course, my mother gave me a lot of gifts black and blue). Since then, cycling addiction is over.
The addiction of my learning to swim in the pond was at an extreme stage. Every day at 9 am i left our house silently. Throughout the day, three groups from the area would go to bathe in the pond. I would go down to the pond with each group and take bath whole day. It used to be that the wet pants would dry on the body. And every day when I entered the house in silence, I was caught and beaten severely by mother and elder sister. My friend's mother, of course, tried to save a lot from beating, but to no avail. After getting a lot of rewards by my mother, i would sit up and eat rice. This is how I learned to swim.
There is no counting how many times the nose has been cracked to occupy the first seat of the school. Everyday, I would open the school's window and throw all the books one by one and grab the first seat. Occasionally seats would be occupied by dropping the register. Sometimes all the books would fall to the ground. And we felt sorry.
In this short chapter of life, these memories strike again and again in the heart. I really want to run away in that great childhood. Mind always want to go back to a worry-free childhood. There will be no setback. Only we will rejoice. Sadly, those days cannot be returned even with millions dollars.