The first mistake of my life

in BDCommunity4 years ago (edited)

A child is as innocent as a flower. The baby you see in the picture is named Hassan. He is only 2 years old. Only words comes out of his mouth what he hears.


He always wants to talk others. Sometimes with mother and sometimes with elder sisters. He always wants to keep himself busy in talking or playing. The most all-rounder kid I've ever met. A few days ago I saw that the child made this mistake.


This is a wrong way of wearing sandals. So, today I let him wear three pairs of sandals at the same time to prove why the baby made this mistake every time. Surprisingly, every time this baby wears sandals in the same way. Maybe every child do this.



Seeing this picture, it reminded me of my childhood memories. When I was four, I started wearing new sandals. Everyone at home says I wear on the sandals in the wrong way.

We do a lot of mistake everyday. Sometimes we suffers a lot because of doing mistake. I have seen many children make this mistake. This is not a serious mistake buy i think it is the first mistake of life. But it has no punishment, no suffering.

This mistake doesn't have much effect in childhood but when we grow up we see this mistake very happily.

Thanks to read my blog.


Its the sweetest mistakes of our life.He is very cute,May the Almighty bless him. I too have a nephew of his age and the last picture reminded me of him wearing my shoes sometimes. Hahaha. They are really cute.

When these types of cute mistakes are noticed, my mind wants to go back to childhood. Well wishes for all babies. Thank you brother ❤