in BDCommunity5 years ago

IMG_20200708_092646_6.jpgimage taken with my phone

Have you ever find yourself in a situation where you are expecting something so bad that you find it very hard to even concentrate on other things. In situations like this, all your mind are glued to that thing and it can be free only after you get that thing you are expecting.

I think this is exactly the situation I found myself right at the moment. There is something I have been longing for for the past few weeks and as a result, I find it hard to concentrate on a lot of other things I do from time to time before now.

It's been over a month that this have been going on and I have been trying so hard to control it but no success yet. I'm not sure how to go about this. Maybe, I could get help from someone here so that I can at least be productive until what am expecting comes into fulfillment.

What I don't like about this feeling is the fact that it has also reflected on my blog here on Hive as I find it difficult to come up with articles this days. More reason I don't publish articles daily. I believe things should change soon because I really can't go on like this.

What do you think I can do to get things back running at the moment before what am expecting comes into fulfillment? Your feedbacks would be very much appreciated. Thanks for stopping by.

IMG_20200708_092548_3.jpgimage taken with my phone