The Struggles Behind Your Dream.

in BDCommunitylast year


You have a dream for your life and God also have a dream for your life. We need to chase after God's dream. Never forget that past achievements is tomorrow's mediocrity. Whatever 2023 gave you, always believe you can achieve so much more in 2024 and with that in mind, just know that God wants the best for you in 2024 and with that mindset, it opens you up to see possibilities.

Most of us have great dreams but we don't pursue it. Insecurities and fears ruled us out from pursuing it. We are scared of failing and sometimes of being criticized. There is no dream without a struggle. The bigger the dream, the bigger the struggles. Nothing good comes easy. If dreams were to be so easy to achieve within a snap of the finger, then everyone would go after it. There is a price to pay after every dream and until you pay the price or put in the work, there is no dream that can be achieved.

You often wonder why God allows us to go through struggles to achieve the dreams He has dropped in our hearts. We need to know dream achievement is a process. God is more interested in who we become than what we achieve. God is more interested in shaping our character which helps us to know how to handle the success that would come from the dream.

Sometimes we haven't reached the maturity stage to handle certain dreams placed in our hearts by God and this is why we need struggles sometimes to build our strength and character. When challenges come, that's not when to abandon God. That's not when we need to run off chasing the world thinking God has abandoned us. Someone once said that if God can allow it, He can use it. All things work together for your good.

When you look at the life of Jacob, his life was filled with struggles all through...right from the womb till adulthood when he still wrestled with God. We also face our fair share of wrestling and struggles. When we find it difficult to obey God's Word, it is also a struggle which we need to fight so we can be open to what God wants to do for us.

Sometimes it takes a difficult situation for us to change. When we see the heat that's when we sometimes change. When certain people have it easy or see the light, they have reasons to relax. See challenges as a means to build you up.

Crisis Phase:

God sometimes uses crisis to get our attention. Jacob wrestled with God. God was trying to get him ready for what lies ahead. It is in shaping our character can we move in the direction God wants us to. Some people have identity crisis, character crisis and some things that need to be dealt with and without dealing with them, we might lose out on that big dream God has placed in our hearts.

Commitment Phase:

Irrespective of what you go through, you need to show commitment to the things of God. It doesn't have to be only when it is easy. God won't forsake you. God is committed to you but are you? God is faithful and would always keep His part but would you? Can you? There are tests we need to pass to advance to the next level. We sometimes give up or throw caution to the wind when we are very close to the edge of our breakthrough. When things get so intense that we have that thought of quitting...we need to be careful because that intensity increases especially when we are so close to our breakthrough. Keep are very close to that finish line.

Confession Phase:

God knows what you want and He wants you to speak it forth. God knows Jacob's name and yet He still asked him, "What's your name?". What you profess becomes your reality. What are you calling yourself? What do you say to yourself? Jabez turned his life around by confessing what he wanted. What are you saying? What are you speaking? There is life in your words and if you don't speak it, how do you manifest it?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


Like they used to say, talk is cheap. It's easier to think of some things or have a dream like you said but the real work is working towards it. There would be so many challenges along the way. No one said it would be easy but it would be worth it. God is in the business of shaping characters and when we view it from that viewpoint, it makes it easier to go back to the Maker and ask Him for strength to pull through.

Thank you very much for this Sunday dose.

Very well said. This is very good and very detailed too. You explained it the same way I would have. I love it when I see comments that fully understands what the post captured. This means a lot. Thank you very much for this. It means a lot that you enjoyed it.

Happy Sunday.

Thank you very much. I try to do my best to understand and internalise your message. Thank you for always blessing us with quality and relatable contents.

Some people usually put a limit to their dreams because they are scared that they can’t achieve what they want but anything can happen and anyone can be anything in life so we should not limit our dreams and also believe in ourselves

Fear is a deciding factor for most people which make it harder for them to achieve their dreams...fear of what people would say and even fear of failing. He who conquers his fear has solved half of his problem.

Very great post friend as always, if dreams were easy everyone would do it and remember that what comes easy comes easy goes, we must fight and work our dream hand in hand with God always, not everything will be rosy, there will always be obstacles in the way but it is part of our formation as people, if the challenge is strong is because it is really worth the reward only remains to do our part and commit ourselves 100% to the process and move forward to materialize it, beautiful reflection friend, tenun great week ♥

What comes very easy goes easily too. That's very true my friend. If it was easy, everyone would do it, absolutely. We need to work hard and fight for our dreams. Thanks a lot for this, my friend. Love this.

We have to fight every day to achieve everything we want and long for in life, because everything that is really worth it just doesn't come overnight as if nothing, thank you to you for sharing these great posts ♥

Absolutely spot on. Nothing comes easy and as long as we keep living, we have to keep fighting for every dream.

Absolutely spot on. Nothing comes easy and as long as we keep living, we have to keep fighting for every dream.

Amen and amen, as long as we can breathe there is still a chance to make things right and fulfill all our dreams, hug my friend ♥

As long as we are breathing, as long as we are living and have the strength, nothing should stop us from dreaming and attaining it. Big hugs to you, my friend.

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BEERHey @joseitosanchezs, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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There’s life in your words; that’s one of the reasons why we should speak good things with our mouths. We should manifest good things in our lives, as we are somehow responsible for how our lives turn out, whether good or bad.

Sticking closely to God and His words, pursuing His dreams for our lives, and seeing how God works out our dreams for us, working out our lives for the better. Like you said, God is always faithful, and we should learn to play our role, staying committed to God no matter the challenges we face in life. God knows better, and God’s best is what is good for us.

It's important to speak good words with our mouth because there is life in it as you have also mentioned. We are responsible for how we turn out. It's our choice...our decisions.

We need to stick closely to God because with God, we can understand the importance of words and how to pursue our dreams.

Sometimes the dream we always long for to actually pursue will face obstacles and pressure. We just need to keep going no matter what and get to the finish line as it is been long expected

Dreams would always come with challenges, obstacles or pressure. We just need to keep pushing as you have rightly said. We need to push and fight for every dream.

Perfectly true. Dreams will be tested with challenges and hard times but we just need to keep going to make sure our dreams at the end of the day is achieved no matter the obstacles that mught want to come. We need to keep fighting and fighting 💪

That's the right attitude to have. Keeping focused and staying on track. We need to focus on ourselves...on our dreams and not what anyone else think of it. People only celebrate success and not the process.

This is very true. People only celebrate success not the process. People did not want to listen to our process story of failure. They want the success story. At the end I am so sure we will all achieve our dream and celebrate to become a better person. No matter what might be limiting our dreams, just as you said, we must keep going and pushing on

As long as we keep pushing and moving...ignoring distracting voices and being committed to our dreams, we would make it and those who doubted us would want to become close to us. People only celebrate success.

Putting our dreams to work is something people need to know. Most people want their dream to come true but they don't want to work or labour for it, and life doesn't work that way. You have to struggle hard to achieve to achieve your task.

There is no dream without hard work. It doesn't come easily. We have to work hard to achieve it. You have to fight hard to achieve every dream as you have rightly said. Thank you very much for this.

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BEERHey @olawalium, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Nice saying bro. You actually said reality of our life. Most people have big dreams and fear and hesitation hold us back. We're afraid of facing failure and sometimes even criticism. If you want to achieve a success its really need hard works.

Fear of failure has limited a lot of people. Fear of being criticized and this has limited a lot of people from putting in the hard work. The reality of life is, nothing comes easy and we need to do things afraid get the better end result.

Thank you for being here. Really appreciate your input.

Every single day, we are faced with fighting our dreams out to make sure it is achieved. But it looks like the more we want to make those dreams to actually come true, the more we face those obstacles limiting it and it get one bothered daily. How do you think one can confidently overcome obstacles towards achieving a dream

The best way is to be convinced within yourself. Without commitment, nothing can work. It's what you are committed to that you will be able to do anything to achieve. Challenges would come...very daunting ones too but when you believe in that dream, you keep going no matter how many times you have fallen...taking lessons along the way to make it even more better. It's not going to be easy. A bumpy ride I have to admit but it's going to be worth it.

Perfectly true without total commitment nothing can't work as it will just end in mere wishes and desire. We need to be disciplined to take the necessary steps and actions that will allow it to actually work and become a reality. That should be the goal and what we aim after every single day. What is making a lot of our dreams not achieved is many of us just dream but we didn't add commitment to the dream thereby limiting it to where it is

Discipline, commitment and taking the necessary steps...those are key words. Absolutely spot on I have to be honest. Without commitment, nothing works. Thanks a lot for that.

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