Here is the link to the contest incase you wanna dive in.Hello beautiful people. Hope you all are doing awesome today. Here is a beautiful initiative by @starstrings01 and I'm going to be sharing my most embarrasing moment.
This happened about eight years ago when I was still in school. It was in my school fellowship and we just concluded our Sunday worship service. I don't even know why I was just feeling excited that day and I was busy jumping from one place to the other and greeting people after fellowship.
My friend who was a guy was somewhere making signals at me to come. On a normal day, we used to walk back to the hostel together and so I thought he was only calling me and telling me its time to go. I was busy making signs to him also that "I'm coming, I'm coming". I noticed he looked disturbed and unhappy and after flaunting myself around the fellowship, I ran to meet him to ask what was wrong with him and guess what?
🤦🤦🤦 He told me I was stained. What!? What did you say!? I exclaimed. Alas my cloth was stained, nit eith dirt but BLOOD!😥 I was in shock. I stood still for like 30 seconds trying to calculate how many people would have seen it. I was so embarrased. I was confused. Sadness fell on me at that moment that day. I felt like the ground should open up while I jumped in that day.
Many thoughts ran through my mind and I didn't know when my friend just dragged me out and we vanished from the premises. I had to find someone who gave me her scarf to cover my self till I got to the hostel. How embarrasing that was. That was the last time something like that ever happened to me. I became so cautious of myself from that time even till now. Embarrasement is one thing I hate with passion.
Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby
Lol. Sorry to laugh but I can understand.
I guess you must have wondered what might have gone through the minds of people that saw the stain in the fellowship.
Thanks for participating. I really appreciate 🤗
If I catch you laughing. Lol
Mehn it was a crazy experience.
Thanks for sharing 😇
you did not say where the stain was but somehow, I already know...
Lol abi now
Sorry that that happened to you.
A consolation: It must be worst when the "victim" is not a woman.