Hello Guys !!!
This ashoka flower is one of the many flowers that thrive in our front yard, it has been with us since I was in school about 10 years ago, meaning it is still alive and blooming with our family. If calculated, it has a age of about 10 years because it was planted in 2010 ago.
Maintenance is not difficult, just watered and trimmed the ends so that it grows neatly, requires minimal sunlight, especially when entering the rainy season it will continue to grow vertically like other plants in our area.
This plant was planted by our grandmother about 10 years ago, this was done because according to our grandmother's explanation, it could be used as an ingredient for natural traditional medicine which was often used by people in ancient times.
My grandmother's words have passed about 10 years ago today I remember that, whether what she said is true or not, so today I look for her information in every source including in a book of traditional medicine written by a famous thabib in our region, in the book explains the various benefits of this plant because it contains several very valuable substances such as:
- The zat of iron
- The zat of saponins
- The zat of flavonoids
- The zat of hematoxylin
- and tannins, and other important substances.
This very valuable content is contained in the flower's content, so it is no wonder that it was very much needed in ancient times and even today.
In our family's experience, our grandmother often used it to treat several diseases, so sometimes the flowers, stalks and several other parts were boiled with clean water and then chilled and then consumed.
Based on the experience of our family, this Ashoka flower is taken about 3 ounces then washed, then boiled, if the water is 3 cups, the remaining 1.5 cups, then cooled, then drunk gradually or continuously until the disease is gone.
For more details, follow some of the explanations below:
Ashoka flower boiled water can eliminate hypertension
If you have a history of dangerous high blood pressure, then as explained above, take this Ashoka flower with a size of a few ounces then boil it in boiling water, if the water is 2 cups of boiled, boil until the water remains 1 cup. If you feel it is boiling, then remove it and let it stand, then the Ashoka medicinal water is ready to drink. Consume it once a day after meals.
Repeat drinking it if you think it's not completely healed and don't forget to check with your doctor if you think it's a bad one. However, in our experience we only need 2 or 3 drinks, so hypertension becomes normal.
In traditional medicine books there are still many other diseases that can cure several diseases but must be mixed with other plants such as the god's crown flower in order to cure cramps, meaning that the leaves of Ashoka flower when mixed with crown flowers and boiled together can eliminate several diseases.
For me personally and acknowledge based on our family experience that Ashoka flowers can be utilized from all parts of the flower body itself such as,
- Flowers
- Stalks
- Leaves
- and roots.
The four body parts of this Ashoka flower are very useful and are very often used as herbal medicine.
Apart from being useful, Ashoka plants have their own beauty in their arrangement, especially if you see the arrangement of the flowers in the form of needles growing neatly in rows, giving rise to a beautiful and enchanting nuance when you look at them.
So it is for this reason that our Ashoka flowers are allowed to grow naturally in front of our homes, we often see them in the afternoon during a break enjoying this plant so that the feeling of fatigue and tiredness is lost. Seeing it every afternoon with joy can also treat ailments or stress, the turmoil slowly disappears when you see it.
That's it and thank you very much!
🅟hoto 🅒aption
🅛ocation photo | 🅐ceh, lndonesia |
🅜odel photos | 𝔽ocus otomatis |
🅒amera | 🅜I Note 8 |
🅟hoto setting | 🅞tomatis |

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