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RE: Loving You Is Easy.

in BDCommunitylast year

This is touching and it is highly necessary that we fight for those we actually love if truly we say we love them. We must come to the rescue of the love and fight away what might want to fight the love we have for the person. No matter how the person is, we should love the person the way she is actually. That is the way it supposed to be. This is a perfect writeup to assure someone that the love is actually here to stay forever and that is the truth


Love people the way they are... absolutely. We also need to love people in the language they understand...most people love people the way they think they should but sometimes we have to speak their language of love if we truly do. Thanks a lot.

That's just the truth. We should try to cultivate the habit of loving people just as they are and not framing things you. We need to learn the love language of people and that will actually help us to love them as they are and not as we want them to be. Love is selfness