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RE: Men's Mental Health.

in BDCommunity11 months ago

To me, I always feel for the men because in the society we live in actually, we the women have been trained to look at the men as if they are always strong and never lack anything emotionally which is not so. In fact men are the ones that pass through a lot most and in fact needs to deal with a lot of things as necessary. They need to attend to a lot of things and eventually get things done. Sometimes it is not always easy for them because they have a lot of things to attend to. They faces a lot of things emotionally and need to always face deep things within them but nevertheless they are configured never to show their weaknesses or what they are facing outside thereby making them to be dieing secretly inside.

Men also needs to be shown some love


This is brilliant and you put it accurately well. A lot of men are going through a lot of things they are unable to share because they society frowns on man being vulnerable or filled with emotions. There are a lot of people going through things that needs support. We just need to look closely. Thank you very much.

Perfectly said. A lot of men are passing through a lot and I strongly believe it is high time that the society begins to see this and begin to rise up to the defense of men because they actually needs it. They have been left to themselves alone which should not actually be so

Absolutely true. Men have been neglected for far too long and it shouldn't be. We all need support every now and then. Thanks a lot for that.

Yea we all need support and not just casual support but important support because the men needs support. They really need quality support from us and we need to show them because they actually need it. They really need it