From an early age in this world, we are surviving for our skill of communication with others. Whether it's calling others to chase away a ferocious carnivore in the ice age or sending signals to the space to detect another living being, all have been made possible through meaningful communication.
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

However, to be able to synthesize the inner meaning of any communication requires an educated mind; a mind that knows and understands the real value of the message conveyed. Otherwise, it's just a babbling; a brainchild of rambling thoughts that connects no one on any end.
The world we live in is heavily industrialized.
Millions of products are being produced every day which requires thousands of ways of promotion. And this also has seen a drastic change from the early era of commercialization and now incorporates research-based marketing activities that grab the attention of the consumers by their collar and make them purchase immediately through some hypnotic charms.
In some cases, the consumers get fooled by the flamboyance of the advertisement only to realize the truth after making the purchase, manufacturing companies have ways to convince them, successfully. And the loop continues, again another advertisement, another purchase, and another frustrating story.
But the advertisers deserve all the credit of fooling the consumers with what the products don't entail yet convincing them to buy again and again. That's the power of communication— in fact, I believe manipulators are the most successful communicators who turn days into nights and make the people convinced of that.
For example, if you ever visited any of the floating markets with no particular place to run the business from, you will feel how powerful the marketer’s speech can be.
*Forget the big brands, let’s assume you have gone Gulistan or Farmgate to buy something (relateable to BD people only). *
So many marketers, so many talented people showing their unique expertise to lure customers to their products and if someone is hesitant whether to buy from them, rest assured he/she will buy it eventually.
It’s that hesitated moments that those people incentivize and convince like a hypnotist. Either you strongly reject or make the purchase—you can only win this way in terms of quality and price. Otherwise, be prepared to be fooled!
Again, many of them are selling the same product but the way they approach makes all the difference. And which one do you prefer? Evidently, the shop that attracts your attention the most— be it through a brilliant display or by grabbing your hands or pushing inside the shop. Both are effective (mostly) ways of communication in the context of those marketplaces.
Ah, I was almost forgetting to mention how “Binash Molom” is sold— you know the ‘verse’ recited by the seller, right?
Another way you can feel how powerful communication can be is through the speech made by motivators. They just don’t talk the talk, they sell their words— it’s not the sentences that make us feel motivated but the way they communicate; the gesture and all those sorts.
Our Prophet (SM) used to apply the power of communication to convert people towards righteousness— even war! It was his way of convincing that earned Islam this progress (also the will of Allah).
Our religion speaks about being humble when we talk; when we communicate. Anger brings nothing but disaster— it’s patience and strategy that divert rewards to our pool, closes the deal, and help us achieve the bottom line.
Remember how Sheikh Mujib used to make speeches on the stage, in front of thousands of people? That’s how you do it— that’s how you can establish proper communication. Otherwise, you’ll fail the way a drone fails when there is no communication from the control room.
And the result?
A hard fall from above with zero chances of survival.
[all content is mine unless otherwise stated]
Even though communication is easy nowadays, we are barely keeping in touch with our dearest ones except for the virtual channels. That's heartbreaking I guess.