Thoughtful post @azircon. I liked this ...
"Recently I helped promote quality of writing among a largely misunderstood (but highly talented) community members for about 5 weeks."
... as any helpful boost we can provide others, large or small, makes a difference that I don't believe can be quantitatively measured. It is just the right thing to do.
I have recently become acquainted with another person who is working hard with this same community - @simplifylife. You may know him. We "met" recently in The Man Cave community. It keeps me going personally to see progress being made, in spite of the challenges ...
Until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours in our crazy, "new normal" world!
In fact, Azircon is leading us the way in our Community! The community he is referring to here, is the same community I was talking to you guys about in the Mancave. He is a big part of it, and a very important reason why we've managed to improve content coming from the community! 😁
Rob, good to hear from you. Haven’t seen you around for a while. Yeah I know the good doctor. He is an young and talented dude who we all like. I have heard about mancave, don’t know too much about it but seems like a fine initiative.
Thank you @azircon. Back at you!
Yes, he seems to be. I've really enjoyed the limited engagement I have had with him thus far. For starters, as I have mentioned to him, a look at my profile will indicate I love his account title! How many times have I wished I'd taken a little more time in coming up with my account name ...
The good doctor even enlightened me with a link explaining his effort behind promoting writing content in his native language. Great stuff. "May his tribe increase!"
You are, of course, welcome to drop in to the Man Cave at any time. I'm sure many would enjoy seeing that you have some interest in it. For me, my whole experience with these Hive Engine token-based communities started just recently. When I had some discretionary funds from powering down on Steem, after HF23 ... (Prior to that? Nothing to think about ...) I've written a couple of posts about decisions made since ...
And, here I am. Still! 😉